Innovative Finance for Sustainable Development December 16 th, 2015
Poor people pay a higher price for lower quality goods and service than consumers in wealthier markets. For credit, municipal grade water, diarrhea medication, rice and a phone call, the poverty premium ranges from 1.2 X to as high as 53X for the residents of shanty town in Mumbai than those in a higher income area in the same city. It is expensive to be poor
Potential Invested Capital to Fund BoP business Source: JP Morgan,
Innovative Financing Instr uments
Innovative Finance for Women Economic Empowerment December 17 th, 2015
Structural Barriers to GEWE “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread” (Anatole France, The Red Lily, 1894,)Anatole France Laws, policies and social norms are seldom gender neutral either: Discriminatory statutory and customary laws; Harmful social norms and gender differentiated roles; Disproportionate burden of domestic and care work; Gender-based violence. These structural barriers translate into Unequal access to productive resources such as land, finance, technology, labor, markets, justice and information.
Removing barriers to Women’ Participation in the labor force
Micro-finance as the first innovative financing mechanism for gender
An increasing variety of innovative financing mechanisms
And an increasing variety of business models
Pay-Over-Time Schemes
Challenge funds aim to mitigate against risks in markets where business innovation can contribute to poverty alleviation Leverage both innovative sourcing and spending Help women entrepreneurs pilot new business models to address the needs of women at the Base of the Pyramid; Help the micro-finance industry and banking sector develop new financial products to scale up for BoP businesses. A Gender Enterprise Challenge Fund From the Financial Deepening Challenge Fund