Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 1 H->  Jessica Leonard University of Wisconsin - Madison Preliminary Examination.


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Presentation transcript:

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 1 H->  Jessica Leonard University of Wisconsin - Madison Preliminary Examination

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 2 Standard model

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 3 Higgs Physics Background on Why We Need the Higgs

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 4 The Higgs  tau tau signal Feynman diagrams Why is it interesting ? - Backgrounds: QCD 2  + 2/3j, EW 2  + 2j, t-tbar- >WbWb, (b-bbar, Drell-Yan Z/  * production,) W+jets

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 5 LHC!LHC!

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 6 Luminosity Profile

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 7 Experiments at the LHC First Collisions 2007 Physics in Km ring 1232 dipoles B=8.3 T (NbTi at 1.9 K) TOTEM ATLAS and CMS : pp, general purpose ATLAS and CMS : pp, general purpose LHCb : pp, B-physics ALICE : heavy ions, p-ions pp  s = 14 TeV L design = cm -2 s -1 Heavy ions (e.g. Pb-Pb at  s ~ 1000 TeV)

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 8 CMS detector (temp slide) Components with slides already: ECAL, HCAL, tracker, trigger, muon Should other components have slides? magnet, preshower,...

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 9 CMS Detector MUON BARREL CALORIMETERS Pixels Silicon Microstrips 210 m 2 of silicon sensors 9.6M channels ECAL 76k scintillating PbWO4 crystals Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Drift Tube Chambers (DT) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Superconducting Coil, 4 Tesla IRON YOKE TRACKER MUON ENDCAPS HCAL Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 10 ECALECAL ECAL crystals are PbWO4 - high density - small Moliere radius

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 11 HCALHCAL HCAL sampling calorimeter: 50 mm copper plates and 4 mm scintillator tiles HF extends coverage to |h| = 5 Steel plates and 300  m quartz fibers

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 12 Muon System Largest chambers of drift tubes 4 x 2.5 m Cathode strip chambers use wires and strips to measure r and , respectively Resistive plate chambers capture avalanche charge on metal strips

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 13 TrackerTracker Silicon strip detector used in barrel and endcaps Silicon pixel detectors used closest to the interaction region

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 14 TriggerTrigger

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 15 Temp slide Suggestions for text on detector component pages? More detailed diagrams of different types of subcomponents, e.g. muon system? (RPC, DT, CSC)

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 16 H->  final states and triggers Note: Here “jet” means energy deposit consistent with   ->jj L1: single or double  (93, 66 GeV) ??? HLT: double  ???  ->  j L1: single  HLT: single ,  +  jet  ->ej L1: single isolated e, e +  jet HLT: single isolated e, e +  jet

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 17 H->  ->l+ +single-prong event offline selection e and  candidates identified Additional electron requirements: E/p > 0.9 Tracker isolation Hottest HCAL tower Et < 2 GeV Highest-pt lepton candidate with pt > 15 GeV chosen Lepton track identifies the other tracks of interest: within  z = 0.2 cm at vertex

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 18 H->  ->l+ +single-prong event offline selection (cont.)  candidates identified; jet formed around each and passed through t-tagging requirements Require  -jet charge opposite lepton charge Hottest HCAL tower Et > 2 GeV if  coincides with electron candidate  -jet Et > 30 GeV

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 19 H->  ->l+ +single-prong event offline selection (cont.) Jets are the 2 highest-Et jets with Et > 40 GeV, not including e and  candidate Jets must be within |  | < 4.5, as well as having different signs in h Require  hj1j2 > 4.5,  fj1j2 1 TeV Require transverse mass of lepton-MisEt system < 40 GeV

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 20 H->  ->2 1-prong Backgrounds: ttbar, Drell-Yan Z/  *, W+jet, Wt, QCD multi-jet

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 21 H->  ->  +jet

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 22 H->  ->e+jet

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 23 Generate events

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 24 My cuts

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 25 PlotsPlots

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 26 What next?

Jessica Leonard, U. Wisconsin, December 19, 2006 Preliminary Exam - 27 ConclusionsConclusions