A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Shared Infrastructure Services: Interoperability session Rosemary Russell UKOLN.


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Presentation transcript:

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Shared Infrastructure Services: Interoperability session Rosemary Russell UKOLN University of Bath URL UKOLN is supported by: 25 October 2006 JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme Meeting, London

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Contents Which shared infrastructure services do repositories need to interoperate with? Scenario: search; add data to repository Contributing to IESR Service maturity

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Which SIS do repositories need to interoperate with? Identifier services and open linking? Representation Information Registries? Format Registries? Managing digital resources/licencing? Service Registries & CD? Metadata Schema Registries? Institutional Profiling Services? Terminology Services? Name Authority?

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Scenario: search; add data to repository Shared infrastructure service Service registry Terminology services User activity Locate suitable collections Support better cross search Preservation metadata Persistent identifiers OpenURL resolvers Appropriate retrieval route Preservation metadataRepresentation info registry Metadata schema registry Application profiles

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Interaction with SIS Repository IEMSR IESR

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Contributing to eg IESR [Information Environment Service Registry] scope includes repositories, OPACs, non-JISC resources contribute - information about collections of resources, technical details on how to access, contact details for providers uses RSLP Collection Description Metadata Schema chicken/egg - IESR needs a critical mass of data to demonstrate a fully functional service benefits for repositories – opens up resources to wider use (unknown resources discovered)

A centre of expertise in digital information managementwww.ukoln.ac.uk Service maturity Some shared infrastructure services are more mature than others… eg IESR one of most mature; IEMSR looking for projects to work with UKOLN review uses JISC Development and Service Maturity Scale others don’t yet exist…eg name authority – JISC Circular 04/06 includes call for pilot