WP3 The status of the EU DataGrid's R-GMA system Steve Fisher / RAL 24/4/2003.


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Presentation transcript:

WP3 The status of the EU DataGrid's R-GMA system Steve Fisher / RAL 24/4/2003

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA2 Who we are Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh –Andrew Cooke, Werner Nutt IBM-UK –James Magowan, (Manfred Oevers), Paul Taylor INFN –Roberto Barbera, Giuseppe Save, Gennaro Tortone Queen Mary, University of London –Roney Cordenonsi, (Ari Datta) CCLRC/PPARC –Rob Byrom, Laurence Field, Steve Hicks, Manish Soni, Antony Wilson, (Xiaomei Zhu), Jason Leake –Linda Cornwall, Abdeslem Djaoui, Steve Fisher, Robin Middleton SZTAKI, Hungary –Peter Kacsuk, Norbert Podhorszki Trinity College Dublin –Brian Coghlan, Stuart Kenny, David O’Callaghan, (John Ryan)

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA3 GMA From GGF Very simple model Does not define: –Data model –How data are moved from Producer to Consumer –What registry looks like Producer Consumer Registry Store location Lookup location execute or stream

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA4 Use the GMA from GGF A relational implementation –Powerful data model and query language Applied to both information and monitoring Creates impression that you have one RDBMS per VO Producer Consumer Registry Store location Lookup location execute or stream

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA5 Relational Data Model Not a general distributed RDBMS system, but a way to use the relational model in a distributed environment where global consistency is not important. Producers announce:SQL “CREATE TABLE” publish:SQL “INSERT” Consumers collect:SQL “SELECT” Some producers, the Registry and Schema make use of RDBMS as appropriate – but what is central is the relational model.

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA6 Producer  Consumer Consumer can issue one-off queries –Similar to normal database query Consumer can also start a continuous query –Requests all data published which matches the query Can be seen as an alert mechanism

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA7 Registry choices Decided early to keep them separate In fact they have different requirements for distribution/replication Each implemented with one RDBMS per instance Registry (of Producers and Consumers) Schema (descriptions of tables)

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA8 Virtual RDBMS Creates impression that you have one RDBMS per VO –This makes it very easy to use –1 integrated system –1 query language Users like it But how will it fit in with GridServices?

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA9 Producers DataBaseProducer – Supports History Queries –Information not lost –Supports joins –Clean up strategy StreamProducer – Supports Continuous Queries –In memory data structure –Can define minimum retention period ResilientStreamProducer – Supports Continuous Queries –Like the StreamProducer but won’t lose data if system crashes –So slightly slower LatestProducer – Supports Latest Queries –Just holds the latest information for any “primaryish” key –Supports joins CanonicalProducer – Supports anything –Offers anything as relations

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA10 Archiver (Re-publisher) It is a combined Consumer-Producer You just have to tell it what to collect and it does so on your behalf Re-publishes to any kind of “Insertable” (i.e. not to the CanonicalProducer)

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA11 Canonical Producer Allows user defined code to be invoked to respond to SQL query Developed in collaboration with CrossGrid CP API User Code Canonical Producer Servlet Files CreateTable, Port, Protocol, Security, SQL Support, Multiple Query Support Security Insert Query Port Register

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA12 Functionality - mediator Queries posed against a virtual data base The Mediator must: –find the right Producers –combine information from them Hidden component – but vital to R-GMA Can now merge information from several producers The final mediator will take “any” SQL statement and do the right thing See Werner Nutt’s talk

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA13 Topologies Normally publish via SP Archivers instantiated with a Producer and a Predicate Must avoid cycles in the graph A SP A A LP A HP SP

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA14 Schema & Contributions CPULoad (Global Schema) CountrySiteFacilityLoadTimestamp UKRALCDF UKRALATLAS UKGLACDF UKGLAALICE CHCERNALICE CHCERNCDF CPULoad (Producer 3) CHCERNATLAS CHCERNCDF CPULoad (Producer 1) UKRALCDF UKRALATLAS CPULoad (Producer 2) UKGLACDF UKGLAALICE

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA15 Contributions are Views CPULoad (Producer 1) UKRALCDF UKRALATLAS CPULoad (Producer 2) UKGLACDF UKGLAALICE SELECT * FROM cpuLoad WHERE country = ’UK’ AND site = ’RAL’ SELECT * FROM cpuLoad WHERE country = ’UK’ AND site = ’GLA’

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA16 R-GMA Tools R-GMA CLI –Command Line Interface (similar to MySQL) –Supports single query and interactive modes –Can perform simple operations with Consumers, Producers and Archivers R-GMA Browser –JSP application dynamically generating web pages –Supports pre-defined and user-defined queries Pulse –R-GMA Java client-based GUI –Supports streaming and simple graphical displays

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA17 GIN and GOUT (Gadget IN and Gadget OUT) R-GMA Consumers LDAP InfoProvider GIN LDAP Server LDAP InfoProvider CircularBuffer Producer GIN Consumer (CE) Consumer (SE) Consumer (SiteInfo) RDBMS DataBase Producer GOUT ConsumerA PI Archiver CircularBuffer Producer R-GMA GLUE Schema

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA18 R-GMA – How? Currently based on servlet technology –Behind every API there is a Servlet –Multiple hand crafted APIs Java, C++, C, Python and Perl –Tomcat –Soft state registration –Uniform exception handling To ensure that useful messages and stack traces are preserved.

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA19 OGSIfication Have recently started the migration to web and grid services –Apache axis –WSDL generated APIs –Will provide a wrapper for backwards compatibility

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA20 All Grid Services OGSA Factories, GSH, GSR Registry includes HandleMapper SQL as Service Data Element Query Language Consumer Factory Producer Instance OGSIfied R-GMA Sensor Producer API Application Consumer API Schema Registry Consumer Instance Producer Factory

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA21 OGSIfication issues Consider XML as internal representation of service data elements –Depends on other developments Consider XQuery as service data elements query language –Depends on how XQuery develops X-GMA ?? –Will this be distinguishable from what is in GT3

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA22 Resilience - Registry Will have one logical registry and schema per VO Each logical registry will have multiple physical “copies” Each entry in registry has 3 possible states Transmit new records and deleted records and checksum after records deleted locally Self healing even supports new registry instances Consumer uses any instance Fail over mechanism not yet implemented Schema more tricky Producer1 Producer2 Registry2 Info mastered by Registry2 Copy of info from Registry1 Copy of info from Registry3 Registry3 Info mastered by Registry3 Copy of info from Registry1 Copy of info from Registry2 Registry1 Info mastered by Registry1 Copy of info from Registry2 Copy of info from Registry3 See poster

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA23 Soft-state Registration and the Registry Registry records existence of Producers and Consumers Registry holds last contact time and ‘expiry’ time Producers and Consumers periodically refresh their time stamps Producer and Consumer servlets avoid unnecessary traffic to Registry Scheduled removal of entries that have timed-out

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA24 Resilience Testing Taking 7 components –Schema –2 registry instances –Producer API –Consumer API –Producer Servlet with other APIs –Consumer Servlet with other APIs Consider each component in turn –Break the network and bring it back –Close the component down and bring it back –Crash the component and bring it back Will also consider real life scenarios

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA25 Performance By design: –Very flexible - to avoid bottlenecks –Powerful queries allow a single query to be made Performance and Optimisation –Will use NetLogger and profiling tools to identify possible bottlenecks Internally not high speed because of XML etc

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA26 Summary R-GMA is a combined Grid information and monitoring system Supports notion of Virtual Database Recently deployed in the EDG development testbed Now focusing on reliability, stability and performance Thanks to the EU and our national funding agencies for their support of this work

WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 24/4/2003R-GMA27 And finally GGF8… RGIS-RG –The two short sessions will be held: Session 1: Database use cases and best practices in the grid environment (outside the traditional data areas) »Using databases to store application metadata »Using databases to store monitoring information »Using databases as a grid registry »Creating grid registries for locating relational and XML databases Session 2: Data discovery in the grid environment –We will also discuss our milestones and future directions. (e.g should we include XML as well as Relational models.) –See A GMA BOF is planned for GGF8