The motivation behind terrorism including religious motivations for suicide bombing TERRORISM
What is a “Terrorist”?
What is “Terrorism”? Intimidation Strike with Terror Calculated use of violence Terrorizing Instilling fear Threat of violence Civilians Attain certain goals
CHANGE achievement of a goal rationalisation further a cause change society
SOCIAL societal issues or causes change society in some way get a message across leave a lasting impression on public’s mind eg. IRA
POLITICAL voices want to be heard rebel groups/militia lack of support from the government feel no other choice but to take violent action eg.Timothy McVeigh
REVENGE avenge an unjust or offensive act highly personal targets specific people or groups feel that high risks taken will be justified eg. Columbine High School shooting
ATTENTION random, without warning attention to an issue, a larger goal act deliver a message eg. The Unabomber
SYMBOLISM symbolism underpins all terrorist attacks convey a specific message show power shake foundations victims not chosen because they are a threat, but for symbolic value eg. 7/11 World Trade Centre
RELIGIOUS who to answer to? God divine sanctification objection to society and societal behaviour eg. Islamic terrorists believe their acts are rational and will lead to a closer relationship with Allah
Catholic Perspective The Catholic faith does not support terrorism or terrorist acts. Benedict XVI 2005 address to Muslim leaders in Cologne Pope John Paul II 2001 address to Kazakhstan leaders Catechism of the Catholic Church #2297
These two terms do not, and cannot, be interchanged with one another because they do not employ the same meaning. Martyrdom Suicide Terrorist “Self Martyrdom VS Suicide Terrorism” The truth behind the terms
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