Stem cells + cell differentiation HW task 2015
Animal cell differentiation After cell division most animal cells differentiate and become specialised cells. New facts Red blood cell Neurone (nerve cell)
In animals most cell differentiation happens during embryo development. In mature animals cell division is mainly restricted to making cells for repair and replacement (new cells are not made for growth, so mature animals do not grow!). New facts
Plant cell differentiation Plant cells also differentiate to become specialised cells. Mesophyll cell (many chloroplasts for photosynthesis) Root hair cell (big surface area to absorb water + ions) Xylem vessel (hollow to transport water + ions) New facts
However, many plant cells can differentiate throughout their life so plants are able to keep growing. Which parts of a typical plant are the main growing regions? New facts
Which parts of a typical plant are the main growing regions? Shoot and root tips (and buds)
Some differentiated plant cells can re- differentiate and become different cells. This is used in plant tissue culture to clone identical plants. New facts
To do Answer the questions in box 1 on the HW sheet.
red blood cells Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can develop into any type of cell. Unlike most cells, stem cells can divide unlimited times. muscle cells liver cells stem cells New facts Stem cells
Stem cells and their uses Watch the 3 videos from the website or via these links What are stem cells What are stem cells (Bang goes the theory) Watch the video clip “Building body parts saving lives salamander style”. New facts
Stem cells may be used in the future to: a) grow replacement organs for transplant (no rejection problems if a patients own stem cells are used). b) Treat people who are paralysed. By injecting stem cells into damaged areas of the spinal cord, new nerve and muscle cells may form.
To do Answer the questions in box 2 on the homework sheet New facts
Stem cell ethics Many people object to the use of stem cells for medical purposes. This is partly because embryos are the best source of stem cells. You need to be able to argue the pros and cons of using stem cells….
Using stem cells Reasons for Best chance of cures for spinal paralysis, diabetes, Alzheimer's. Spare embryos used would be destroyed anyway. Embryonic stem cells from cord blood do not harm anyone. Embryonic stem cells could help grow new tissues and organs for transplants. Reasons against Embryonic stem cell research is experimental and side effects may include cancer. All embryos have the potential to be a baby. Destroying them is wrong. Embryo’s have a right to life and cannot give permission to be used, so its unethical. Money spent on stem cell research would be better spent on other medical approaches. construct + apply
To do Answer the question in box 3 on the homework sheet