KINDS OF STORY Fable Tales Legend Folklore The Lion and the Mouse, The Rabbit and the Turtle Bawang putih bawang merah, happy prince, golden eggs Situ Bagendit, Danau Toba, Malin Kundang Keong Mas, Jaka Tarub, The Sun and The Moon Fable Tales Legend Folklore
What kinds of story do you like to read? FABEL LEGEND TALES FOLKLORE MYTH
Fabel Folklore Legends Fairy tales Beautiful Cruel Kind Handsome Jealous Wise Prince Princess A witch Fairy giant Palace Castle Jungle Village/town Hut small house River cave
Social Function/ Purpose of narrative text To entertain, create, stimulate emotion, motivate and teach the readers
The generic structure of the text Orientation : which sets the scene and introduces the characters (who, when, what, and where) Complication : a crisis or a problem arises, which usually involves the main characters. Resolution : a solution to the problem (for better or for worse). The main characters finds ways to solve the problem
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! What did the little bird been doing since his friends left to go to Egypt? When he got to the town, where did the bird go to dleep for the night? How did the Prince’s diamond help the young play-writer ? What happened to the other diamond? What else did the Prince give to the poor? Why was the statue pulled down?
What did the Mayor do after he saw the statue of the prince? What did God send his angel to find, and what did the angel bring him? Why did the prince cry? What happened to the bird when the snow came? What did the mayor ask to the workmen about the statue? What kind of the text is? What is the purpose of the text? What is the generic structure of the text? What is the tense used in the text? Give examples.