Module 1: Introduction Theodore G. Cleveland, Ph.D., P.E, M. ASCE, F. EWRI August Module 1
Instructor Background, Training Logistics Course Objectives Course Organization Resources Module 1 2
Introductions Instructor Participants Sign-in sheet process VTC letter 3
Restroom locations Breaks Each module is about an hour Take short breaks between lessons Lunch break is 1 hour Assessment Need to pass the assessment at end of the training (examination) 4 Module 1
List of objectives in your participant manual: 1. Explain the fundamentals of watershed runoff computations 2. Simulate water control measures 3. Use the HEC-HMS to set up models 4. Use HEC-HMS to solve both routine and complex hydrologic engineering problems 5. Troubleshoot HEC-HMS projects 6. Evaluate and review HEC-HMS projects 7. Develop scopes of work for HEC-HMS use 5 Module 1
Equivalent of NHI-HDS-2 (DES-808) A prior college course in hydrology And/or two years experience in drainage analysis And/or professional development course in SWMM, TR-20 or similar tools. 6 Module 1
Participants should have ability to convert between US Customary and SI units Participant should have practical computer skills typical of practicing engineers Familiarity with MS Excel Familiarity with files, directories, paths 7 Module 1
Day 1 Overview of HEC-HMS ▪Hydrology review as appropriate. ▪Hands-on use of most components by following examples and exercises in a workshop environment. ▪Some regard to parameter values, but mostly get the feel for different parts of the program. 8 Module 1
Day 2 Parameterize HEC-HMS models ▪Hydrology review as appropriate. ▪Effort on proper parameter estimation for modeling. ▪Using calibration algorithms 9 Module 1
Day 3 Added realism in HEC-HMS models ▪Hydrology review as appropriate. ▪Modeling change in a watershed ▪Course Assessment (Examination) 10 Module 1
Course presented in Modules Lecture Examples Exercises ▪Copies in binder and on flash-drive Assessment ▪Module 24 is a formal graded assessment. 11 Module 1
Software Required HEC-HMS installed and running ▪Running copy on the flash drive. Exercise 1 is to validate function ▪TSD can install on your work computer MS Office Suite (or similar Open Office suite). ▪Assumed already installed on your work computer. 12 Module 1
Printed Materials Course Manual ▪Lecture copies ▪Reference excerpts (where appropriate) ▪Exercises 13 Module 1
What’s on the flash-drive? Electronic copies of the course manual Excel files and HEC-HMS files used in examples Complete copies of various references ▪Hundreds of pages, print as needed when you start using the software at work. Additional on-line materials at 14 Module 1
Verify HEC-HMS runs from flash drive Start and Stop HEC-HMS (proof-of-install) Start and Stop of MS Excel Tour of Flash Drive contents 15 Module 1
Introduction to the course Overview of resources available Exercise 1 Workshop to Verify: HEC-HMS installed and running on training computers Adobe Acrobat Pro installed and running on training computers MS Excel installed and running on training computers USB Drives assessable from training computers 16 Module 1