RAL ASIC Design & RD53 IP WG Presenter: Mark Prydderch ASIC Design Group Leader Science & Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Oxford Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0QX United Kingdom
RAL ASIC Design Group Mark Prydderch Davide Braga Lawrence Jones Stephen Thomas Stephen Bell Michelle Key-Charriere Quentin Morrissey Rebecca Coath HEXITEC CMS Binary Chips 130 & 65nm Development CDS ADC, STAR & C2BA R3B ATLAS ABC130 & HCC 21.4 x 20.1mm 6400 Pixels XFEL LPD 7 x 4mm, 254 Channels, 256 deep pipeline 10.8 x 4.8mm, 128 Channels, Timestamp, 12b ADC 16b ADC 10b DAC Bias & Telemetry 10.8 x 4.8mm, 254 Channels, Correlation Logic 256 deep pipeline 14.5 x 7.3mm, 512 pixels, 1536 x 512 analogue memory 16x12b ADC
Example: CDS ADC Features DC Restoration of the CCD video signal. Fully differential-input preamplifier and CDS. 1 V video signal input range. Fully differential pipelined 16 bit ADC with digital error correction. Operation at up to at least 2 Mpixels/s 10 bit Programmable Offset (+/- 500 mV). 7 bit Programmable Gain (gain = x 1 to x 3) Input referred system noise 3.5 adu rms 3-wire serial interface to program video gain & offset. Triple-voting control Logic to protect against SEUs.
IP participation Clear ideas on how IP libraries should be developed and managed (see Talk by Stephen Bell). Interested to hear ideas/thoughts of other groups. We aim to put this into practice with our own internal development programme in 2014. Interested in developing the ‘Self Biasing Rail to Rail Amp for Bias distribution’. Would seek an RD53 partner for the radiation testing.