M&E in the GEF.  RBM, Monitoring & Evaluation  M&E in the GEF  M&E levels and responsible Agencies  M&E Policy  Minimum requirements  Role of the.


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Presentation transcript:

M&E in the GEF

 RBM, Monitoring & Evaluation  M&E in the GEF  M&E levels and responsible Agencies  M&E Policy  Minimum requirements  Role of the Focal Points  Fifth Overall Performance Study (OPS5)  Objective of the Overall Performance Studies  Evaluation streams & OPS5  Theory of Change  Content of OPS5 reports  Knowledge Sharing and Community of Practice  Questions & Answers 2

3  Result based management - setting goals and objectives, monitoring, learning and decision making  Evaluation is a “reality check” on RBM  RBM, especially monitoring, tell whether the organization is “on track”  Evaluation could tell whether the organization is “on the right track”

Two overarching objectives  Promote accountability for the achievement of GEF objectives through the assessment of results, effectiveness, processes, and performance of the partners involved in GEF activities  Promote learning, feedback, and knowledge sharing on results and lessons learned among the GEF and its partners as a basis for decision making on policies, strategies, program management, programs, and projects; and to improve knowledge and performance 4


 Design of M&E Plans  Completed and fully budgeted M&E plans by CEO endorsement for FSPs, and CEO approval for MSPs  Project log frames should align with GEF Focal Area result frameworks contained in the GEF-5 RBM  Implementation of M&E Plans  Project/program monitoring and supervision will include execution of the M&E plan  Project/Program Evaluations  All FSPs and MSPs will be evaluated  Reports should be sent to the GEF EO within 12 months of project completion  Engagement of Operational Focal Points  M&E plans should explain how GEF OFPs will be engaged in M&E activities 6

Engagement of Operational Focal Points  M&E plans should include how OFPs will be engaged  OFPs will be informed on M&E activities, including Mid-Term Reviews and Terminal Evaluations, receiving drafts for comments and final reports  OFPs will be invited to contribute to the management response (where applicable)  GEF Agencies keep track of the application of this requirement in their GEF financed projects and programs 7

 Keep track of GEF support at the national level  Keep stakeholders informed and consulted in plans, implementation and results of GEF activities in the country  Disseminate M&E information, promoting use of evaluation recommendations and lessons learned  Assist the Evaluation Office, as the first point of entry into a country  Identify major relevant stakeholders  Coordinate meetings  Assist with agendas  Coordinate country responses to these evaluations 8

 Fifth component: enhancing capacities to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends (should be identified as a priority in the NCSA capacity development action plan)  Capacity development plan should be Formulated as a Medium-Size Project Or integrated into a broader proposal that would be formulated as MSP or FSP (if MSP it should have 1:1 cofunding)  Development of regional partnerships could be considered  Funding available from $44m set-aside for capacity development 9

 A management response is required for all evaluation reports presented to the GEF Council by the GEF EO  GEF Council takes into account both the evaluation and the management response when taking a decision  GEF EO reports on implementation of decisions annually (Management Action Record)  For Country Portfolio Evaluations countries have the opportunity to provide their perspective to Council as well 10

Fifth Overall Performance Study (OPS5) 11

 To assess the extent to which the GEF is achieving its objectives  As laid down in the GEF Instrument and reviews by the Assembly  As developed and adopted by the GEF Council in operational policies and programs for GEF financed activities  And to identify potential improvements 12

 Consolidation and strengthening of the four streams of evaluative evidence  Country Portfolio Evaluations: up to 15 during GEF-5  Impact Evaluations: International Waters, Climate Change and other focal areas  Performance Evaluations: APR continued and strengthened as well as independent process reviews  Thematic Evaluations: focal area strategies and adaptation  Major element of OPS5 will be a meta-evaluation 13

 Foundational  Support for the creation of an environment that enables necessary changes to take place  And…require constant attention and adjustment  Demonstration  Testing of approaches that are intended to lead to GEBs if adopted on a broader scale  Investment  Broader implementation of results of foundational and demonstration activities

 ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE  SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE  ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND BEHAVIORAL CHANGE IMPACT INTERMEDIATE STATESINSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS DEMONSTRATION ELEMENTS INVESTMENT ELEMENTS Generic GEF Theory of Change Stress reduction Change in environmental status Adaptive management / Learning Environmentally sustainable development KNOWLEDGE & INFORMATION GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Policy, legal & regulatory frameworks Information -sharing & access Awareness- raising Administrative reforms SCALE Mainstreaming Scaling-up Market change Replication Knowledge generation IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIES Technologies & approaches Organizational structures & arrangements Financial mechanisms for adoption & sustainability Promoting champions Building on promising initiatives Raising profile of initiatives Removal of barriers Innovation

 Three quality assurance advisors  Recognized experts from developed, newly emerging, and developing nations  Ongoing advice and comments to the replenishment group  Reference group  Formed by staff from the GEF Agencies independent evaluation offices  To provide peer reviews of sub-studies and other deliverables  Will provide time to allow for meaningful reviews 16

 First report: end of 2012  A meta-evaluation approach, drawing on existing GEF evaluations  Final report: end of 2013 or early 2014  Final report will be tackled trough separate evaluation studies 17

 Relevance of GEF to conventions guidance  Ratings on outcomes and sustainability of finished projects  Ratings of progress toward impact of finished projects  Trends in catalytic role of GEF (foundation, demonstration and/or investment projects)  Trends in ownership and country drivenness  Better understanding of GEF longer term impact  Trends in performance issues such as cofunding, management costs, quality at entry and supervision  Trends in the implementation and achievements of the focal areas of the GEF 18

 Trends in global environmental problems and the relevance of GEF -- will include the emergence of new financing  A more in-depth look at focal area strategies and at the existing impact evidence  Coverage of the reform process: GEF project cycle and modalities, direct access, STAR, Paragraph 28  Governance of the GEF, donor performance and resources mobilization  The role of the private sector and civil society  Cross-cutting policies: gender, participation, safegurads, and knowledge sharing  Update of the SGP evaluation (since 2009)  The role of STAP 19

 OPS5 audience includes  replenishment participants  GEF Council  Assembly  Through the Assembly the members of GEF  Findings will be shared with other GEF parties  GEF Secretariat  GEF Agencies  STAP  NGO Network  Project proponents and others 20

 M&E contributes to knowledge building and organizational improvement  Findings and lessons should be accessible to target audiences in a user-friendly way  Evaluation reports should be subject to a dynamic dissemination strategy  Knowledge sharing enables partners to capitalize on lessons learned from experiences  Purpose of KM in the GEF  Promotion of a culture of learning  Application of lessons learned  Feedback to new activities 21

 Community of practice on evaluation of climate change and development  Sharing best practices on climate change and development evaluation  700+ members  Online tools for participation  Website:  Linkedin Group  Social media  News letters  Blog 22

 International Conference in Alexandria in 2008  World Bank publication (book)  Evaluating Climate Change and Development (van den Berg and Feinstein, 2009)  Electronic library (400+ reports)  Webinars  Studies  Meta-Evaluation of Mitigation Studies  Adaptation Framework for M&E  3 more underway  Partnership – SEA Change, IDEAS  Supporters  SIDA, FOEN, GEFEO 23

Thank you 24