Presentation of Contractor’s Report “California 2008 Statewide Waste Characterization Study” CIWMB Strategic Policy Development Committee September 9,
Presentation in 3 Parts Background Results Policy Implications 2
Part 1 - Background What is waste characterization? Why it is important? How do we do it? Board studies
What is Waste Characterization? Determine what’s disposed in landfills Determine types and amounts of paper, food, glass, metal, etc. in the waste stream Profiles for each source of waste: 4 Residential Sector = Single FamilyMultifamily Commercial Sector = Businesses, Industries, Institutions Government, Self-hauled Sector = Commercial Self-haulers (contractors, landscapers) Residential Self- haulers (homeowners)
Why is it important? For effective diversion programs and waste management strategies, need to know: Not only WHAT is in the waste stream, but WHERE it came from How the waste stream changes over time Current information to support policy decisions 5
How to do a Waste Characterization Study Take samples from garbage trucks or dumpsters Sort materials Record weights Survey incoming vehicles Compile data 6
CIWMB Studies – First statewide study, details on commercial sector by business types 2004 – Smaller study, composition & amounts by larger sectors most like 2008 study 2006 – Four targeted studies commercial sector details for select business groups, including recycling data construction and demolition waste detailed study of commercial self-haul Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) residuals 14
Overview – 2008 Study 40 disposal sites throughout the state Data collected over 4 seasons in waste samples sorted by hand 6,896 vehicles surveyed for sector of origin Data aggregation and statistical analysis to develop statewide composition and quantities 15
2008 Study – Special Data Collection Recyclable materials assessed for contamination Roofing materials tested for asbestos More details on lumber and plastic 16
Part 2 - Key Results Overall composition Sector breakdown Changes since 2004 Special data highlights 17
Composition of California’s Overall Disposed Waste Stream by Major Category,
Top 10 Disposed Materials Overall, 2008 Material TypePercentCumulative Percent Food15.5 Lumber Remainder/Composite Inerts & Other* Remainder/Composite Paper* Uncoated Corrugated Cardboard Remainder/Composite Organic* Leaves & Grass Bulky Items Carpet Rock, Soil, & Fines * “Remainder/Composite” material types include miscellaneous materials that don’t fit other categories 19
Recoverable Materials in Overall Disposal Recyclable Materials Cardboard Most Paper Recyclable Glass Recyclable Metals HDPE, PETE, Some Film Plastic E-waste Compostable Materials Food Leaves/Grass Other Yard Waste A Portion of Non-recyclable Paper Recoverable Inerts Concrete Asphalt Paving Asphalt Roofing Lumber Gypsum Board Rock, Soil, Fines 20
Contribution of Each Sector to Statewide Overall Disposal,
Changes in the Overall Waste Stream Since 2004 Sector proportions about the same Decreases in some categories: – Paper decreased from 8.4 million tons to 6.9 million tons – Glass decreased from 0.9 million tons to 0.6 million tons – Metal decreased from 3.1 million tons to 1.8 million tons Plastic and organics about the same Significant increase in “Inerts & Other” category – Driven by increase in lumber from 10% to 15% of the waste stream (from 3.9 million tons to 5.8 million tons) 22
Results of Special Data Collection Contamination Study – looked at condition and source of contamination for commonly recycled paper, metal, plastic 23
24 Contaminated at Source Contaminated During Collection Clean
Most Recyclable Materials in Loads are Clean Enough for Recycling Metal & Plastic Contamination 25 Paper Contamination
Details on Lumber Material TypePercent of Overall Waste Percent of Lumber Dimensional Lumber3.021 Engineered Wood (plywood, particle board, etc.) Pallets & Crates2.517 Other Wood Waste6.444 TOTAL “ Clean” wood types are commonly accepted for compost and mulch production and are 56% of lumber and 8% of all waste disposed
Asbestos in Roofing 5 material types sampled 191 samples from loads throughout the state analyzed using US EPA technique Asbestos found in one sample – mastic* – New California data relieves asbestos concern Projects around U.S use material in road base Caltrans: no specifications or demonstration projects for use in road base * Mastic is a paste-like material used as an adhesive or seal in roofing applications 27
PETE Plastic Bottles PETE = polyethylene terephthalate (e.g., water bottles, soft drink bottles, #1 recycling label) PETE Containers are 0.5% of waste by weight “PETE Containers” sorted in more detail Water Bottles less than 1 liter in size are 26% of all PETE Containers disposed 28
Part 3 - Key Policy Implications Organics Commercial Waste Recycling Climate Change – measuring reductions in greenhouse gas emissions 29
Organics (excluding paper) - 11 Million Tons Disposed 30
Implications for Organics Diverting half of only these organics (Strategic Directive 6.1) would: – Increase statewide diversion from 59% to 74% – Use 6 million tons of resources for compost, bioenergy, and biofuels – Impact facilities, technology, cross-media issues – Keep these methane producers out of landfills – Meet AB 32 goals and Strategic Directives Low-carbon Fuel, Renewable Portfolio Standards, anaerobic digestion 31
Commercial Waste* Some businesses already divert a lot, some don’t Largest part of waste stream Most prevalent material types: – Lumber – 16% (almost 3 million tons) – Food – 15% (almost 3 million tons) – Cardboard – 7% (about 1 million tons) Two thirds of commonly recyclable materials are clean enough for immediate recycling * not including commercial self-haul or multifamily 32
Composition of California’s Commercial Disposed Waste Stream by Major Category,
Common Recyclables Disposed in Commercial Waste* 34 * Not including Organics or Inert Materials
Implications for Commercial Recycling Materials available: – 6 million tons food and lumber – 3 million tons common recyclables Mandatory commercial recycling: – Proposed legislation – AB 32 measure – Developing regulations Diverting 75% of commercial recyclables (other than organics) would increase diversion 2.3 million tons Recycling methods/facilities exist – need expansion 35
Climate Change Measurement Waste characterization data supports AB 32: – amounts and sources of feedstocks for compost, mulch, biofuels – types and amounts of recyclables in commercial waste – amounts and sources of feedstocks for anaerobic digestion 36
Climate Change Measurement (cont.) Use data on changes in disposal to estimate statewide emissions reductions Tons of specific materials diverted can be translated to MMTCO2e Easier/more accurate to measure disposal than diversion 37
Summary – Big Picture Comprehensive information on disposed waste – Commercial is biggest sector – Organics (food) and Inerts/Other (lumber) are biggest types, paper also significant Many materials clean enough to be recycled Huge potential - more diversion/GHG reductions 38
Summary – Some Details Data on materials/sources can guide next steps Special information answers specific questions – low contamination rates for recyclables – asbestos in roofing almost non-existent – Most wood clean enough for compost/mulch Even more information in the report! 39
40 Questions?