Keeping Our Community Clean LET’S ZERO IN ON WASTE! Keeping Our Community Clean Carl Corridan
WHAT IS WASTE? Waste is everything that we throw away. Some waste is burned, but most of it is buried in big holes in the ground called landfill sites. This causes problems because it release chemicals which are bad for the environment. We are also running out of places to bury rubbish! Reducing The Amount Of Waste We Produce Has Many Benefits: 1 It saves valuable resources, including forests. 2 It saves money. 3 It helps the environment, because it reduces the amount of pollution and disturbance of nature.
How Can We Have Less Waste? REDUCE - Buy only what you need. Eat at home. Make gifts for friends/family. Reuse - Reduce waste by using things more than once, instead of throwing them away. Recycle - When we can’t reduce or reuse, we can recycle! Paper can be recycled at the paper mill to make NEW paper. NO WASTE!
What Goes Where? Blue Green Black Paper, Plastic, Glass, Bottles, Cans Garden/Food Scraps ONLY what can’t be recycled or composted.