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DISCLAIMER ©2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. All pre-release product release dates and features specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice. Microsoft may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Sample code included in this presentation is made available AS IS. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS PRESENTATION. Microsoft products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
Integration in the Dynamics AX application lifecycle
Integration scenarios Contoso Online services Bing Amazon etc. Enterprise applications Interactive client apps Trading partners
demo Sample integration scenario
Preparing for integrating Dynamics AX IdentifyEncapsulatePublishConfigureConsume
Pains and challenges Isaac – Business Application Developer Build powerful integrated applications Develop applications that can be published through service interfaces Consume third-party web services Simon – Systems Implementer / Consultant Configure integrations Map data formats Set up bulk import Chris – IT Administrator Manage integrations Troubleshoot integrations Deploy integrations & configurations
Today we will show you… Standardized integration stack Simplified configuration Enhanced integration features
Components in action today
Concept recap: Services Document services – Query => Document => Document service – Maps a business entity Custom services – Attribute-based contracts System services – Query service – Metadata service – Etc.
Services on WCF Runtime Messaging Gateway AX Business Logic File WCF Message Routing AOS IIS Web Services on WCF Runtime Adapter Clients BizTalk ServerAX ClientEnterprise PortalReporting FrameworkOffice Business App MSMQ AOS is a service host All integration through WCF Services Net TCP HTTP Internet Clients Integration architecture in Dynamics AX 2012
Dynamics AX 2009Dynamics AX 2012 Simplified configuration
Concept: Integration ports Deployment artifacts that: – Expose one or more Dynamics AX services – Have a single URL – Subsume the concept of “Endpoints” of Dynamics AX 2009 Inbound vs. outbound ports – Depending on origin of the message Basic vs. enhanced ports – Depending on functionality Sync vs. async transport – Depending on transport
Enhanced integration ports Hostable in both AOS and IIS Support for multiple adapters: – HTTP, net.tcp, MSMQ, file Pre- and post-processing – Transforms (Message Level) – Pipelines (AifXMLMessage Level) Data contract customizations – Policies, legal values, etc. Advanced security configuration Troubleshooting options
Basic Inbound Port (ServiceGroup) Basic Inbound Port (ServiceGroup) Custom Service (Running in IL) Custom Service (Running in IL) Document Service (Running in IL) Document Service (Running in IL) AOS Net.tcp://host1/port1/servicegroup1 Enhanced Inbound Port Custom carved contract Transforms Custom pipeline TransformsCustom pipeline Custom application © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Concept: Integration ports file://port1/Request file://port1/Response Vendor
Enhanced integration features Features: – Support for non-XML file formats – Bulk import through file adapter – Support for all data layer improvements in document services framework – More than 90 document services out-of-the-box – Change tracking for documents – Import / export of AIF configuration data
Background for today’s demos FM Inc – Global rental car company Fabrikam – Car manufacturer Integration needs – Import updates daily – Synchronize car lists
Product demos #TitleKey Features 1. Non-XML file-based integration Integration Ports, Transforms Troubleshooting 2. Support for change tracking Document Services Framework Change Tracking 3. Dynamics AX applications for Windows Phone 7 Claims-Based Authentication Integration Ports Security
demo Demo 1: Importing non-XML files
Demo 1: Context Enhanced Inbound Port X++ service1 X++ service2 AOS Transforms Custom pipeline TransformsCustom pipeline file://port1/Request file://port1/Response FM Inc. wants to implement ongoing integration to import the car recall list periodically published by Fabrikam Corp. Fabrikam Corp. Custom carved contract
Demo 1: Enhanced integration features PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits IsaacNon-XML files need to be imported.NET transformsCustom transforms can convert any file format ChrisConfiguration of integrations is complicated Enhanced integration portsSimplified, single main form Progressive disclosure of concepts as needed ChrisOne incorrect line in file fails the entire transaction Flexible troubleshootingAdmin is in control of error handling
demo Demo 2: Tracking changes in documents
AOS Demo 2: Tracking changes in documents SQL Server (Change Tracking Enabled) Synchronize car list with an external system
Demo 2: Tracking changes in documents PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits IsaacSynchronizing data between Dynamics AX and another system Getting criteria-driven changes from Dynamics AX Change tracking Document filters Document services Query for changes in Dynamics AX documents Create powerful B2B integrations with Dynamics AX
demo Demo 3: Dynamics AX Applications for WP7
Demo 3: Dynamics AX applications for WindowsPhone7 1. User Name and PW 3. Live ID and Unique ID 5. Data from AX 2. Authenticate Live ID 4. Dynamics AX User Authentication and Retrieve Data Custom.NET app on web server Dynamics AX 6 on AOS Windows Live ID server Sales rep
Demo 3: Dynamics AX applications for WindowsPhone7 PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits IsaacDynamics AX security requires all callers to be in an Active Directory domain No role-specific access to services for different users Claims-based authentication Trusted intermediary Role-based security Enhanced integration ports Non-AD users can be Dynamics AX users Dynamics AX services are open to non-AD clients Specific roles can be identified for different users
Top 10 tips from the session Identify the functionality needed for your integration and encapsulate it in a reusable service Avoid breaking changes in service interfaces when customizing the application Use document service wizard to generate missing services, if applicable Add additional custom services and service operations as needed Use enhanced integration ports to unlock advanced integration features Leverage bulk handling large amounts of data Use IIS for publishing services through HTTP Use system services for building interactive client applications Use BizTalk’s WCF adapter to integrate with Dynamics AX Check AIF blog for additional tips and newsAIF blog
What we showed you today… The standardized integration stack How AIF configuration and management have been simplified through integration ports How enhanced integration features can be used to build richer and more powerful integrations
Related sessions Breakout sessions – BRK 212, 213 – Programming model improvements – BRK 215 – Debugging in AX 2012 – BRK 216 – Developing in.NET Managed Code and other X++ Enhancements – BRK 224 – Performance: Benchmarks, Features, and Patterns Chalk & Talk – CHK 201 – Programming Models and Developer Tools – CHK 215 – Services and AIF Q&A
Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7 and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Dynamics AX development stack
Consuming external web services “Add Service Reference” from AOT deprecated – Parallel Stack to Visual Studio support – Not complete in functionality (Authentication, complex schema support) Add the Service Reference in VS and “Add to AOT” to add the VS Project in AOT Seamless X++/.NET interop to invoke web service from X++
Security Auto inference security permissions for any X++ service Use SysEntryPointAttribute to determine whether to run operation in the context of the calling user or as admin Document service operations have access level attributes for security for relevant CRUDF operations System services open to all AX users and run in the caller’s context
Integration Architecture in AX 2009 Services on WCF Runtime Messaging Gateway X++ Document and Custom Services AX Business Logic RPC Call Over Business Connector BizTalk ServerMSMQFile Adapter AOS BC.NET WCF Routing Service IIS Web Services on WCF Runtime Adapter
Outbound Port AOS Transforms Custom pipeline File://OutboundPort1/Dir1 Document schema constraints AxDocument/XML documents Concept: Integration ports