Summary of Objective 3: “Generation ITER” Presented by Sándor Zoletnik On behalf of STAC group S. Zoletnik, P. Lalousis, F. Zonca
Aim of objective 3: Provide manpower for operation of ITER and satellites. Categories and total responses: ITER operators (256) ITER analyst (395) Three categories were named for training: Ph.D. students (1211) Masters (1449) Engineers (79) Global overview S. Zoletnik Page 2. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Distribution by Association for „Operators” Clear inconsistency in the tables for interpretation of „Operator” Template suggested: high-level operators (JET session leaders, diagnostic coordinators) Possible alternative understanding: People who have appropriate knowledge and experience to operate a fusion device or a subsystem (heating, fueling, diagnostics, CODAC, TBM, …) Who is an „Operator”? TOTAL: 256 S. Zoletnik Page 3. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Distribution by Association for „Analyst” Usually one number is presented which is a mixture of experimentalists and physicists Would need to have more categories: theorists, code developers/operators, experimentalists (diagnostician) Analyst TOTAL: 395 S. Zoletnik Page 4. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Two ITER operator categories: High level: session leaders + diagnostic coordinators (presently on JET: trainees) ITER 60/2 = 30 EU Staff Low level: heating, fueling, diagnostic, TBM, … ITER is expected to have 200 scientist and engineer operators on its own (DDR) The basic technology might absorb these: magnets, vacuum, CODAC, energy, fueling, heating (0 EU) Who operates/analyses the diagnostic systems? (40x4: 160 people 80 EU) High and low level for other experiments: Operation of other experiments (3 large + 5 smaller devices: 3x80 + 5x40 = 440 EU) Participation in non-EU experiments: JT-60SA, KSTAR, …: 30 EU Total: 580 EU exp. analysts + operators (2/3 for domestic experiments) Total proposed Operators+Analysts: 651 Even if 100 is theorist just the newly trained staff would be enough How many operators and exp. analysts are needed? S. Zoletnik Page 5. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Distribution by Association for „Ph.D. student” Considerable differences between Associations Needed new research staff: 2000 researchers/40 years active working time 50 retirements/year 500 need to be replaced in 10 years Global number is enough but unclear how many stay in fusion Ph.D. students TOTAL: 1211 S. Zoletnik Page 6. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Distribution by Association for „Masters + Engineers” Number of trainee engineers is unclear As ITER construction will run up to 2025 considerable engineering resources will be needed. Masters+Engineers TOTAL: 1528 Only a few answers separated masters and engineers: handling them together S. Zoletnik Page 7. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Training courses, schools Some Associations indicated training courses. A quick assessment of the places gives ~200/year can provide summer training for all students. Europe-wide organisations exist for fusion training: FUSENET, Erasmus Mundus Important especially for smaller countries S. Zoletnik Page 8. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
The role of New Member States Associations from New Member States (25% of EU population) proposed 6-8% of Operator and Analyst trainees (90% is from Czech and Hungary). Several Associations did not respond or proposed very little For Ph.D. and Master students the situation is more balanced among the NMSs but the % in the EU programme is similar. Western labs are successful to attract eastern students there are young people available Would need to set-up some parenting scheme for groups in NMSs S. Zoletnik Page 9. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011
Summary The global numbers are in the right range Training possibilities for engineers is unclear (GOT is very helpful) Do we have the engineers for ITER construction? Operator-analyst categorization is unclear, a better list of categories might be: high-level operator exp. analyst/operator theorist code developer code operator New Member States offer considerable manpower resource, it must be used in an organized way A good set of experiments must be present in the EU to provide trained staff The EU must make use of joint experiments with ITER partners: this also needs some staff S. Zoletnik Page 10. Associations meeting Garching, April, 2011