Baking bread in Latvia. Authoress: Anda Meikališa
From wheat we get flour, which we can use to bake whitebread and other cookery products.
From rye we bake brown bread. We have various sorts of this bread.
The place of bread in food pyramid. People must use 40% corn products in their food every day and bread is one of them.
Bakeries in Latvia. Fazer Hanza Lāči Liepkalni Old bakery Iļģuciema bakery.....
The recipe of bread. Flour Barm (raugs) Milk, dried milk Salt Shortening, seed oil
Fazer bakery. Fazer bakery has 6 bread baking lines: White bread Brown bread Fine rye- bread French roll Corn bread Toaster bread
Fazer production. Light rye bread Fine rye- bread. Dark seed bread Light seed bread Wheat toaster bread
Light rye toaste bread. White bread French roll Rye loaves with corn. Full-corn rye bread
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