27 August 2013 Megan H. Faust, Ed.S.
What is PS-RtI? Problem Solving – Response to Intervention (Instruction) PS-RtI’s role in Special Education What it is... What it is not
The “Problem Solving” part...
Who goes to what group? FCAT scores (if available?) What about learners with IEPs? When does it become a Student Services Team issue?
The Tier 2 “Intervention” part
The “Progress Monitoring” part... What types of assessments do you use in your curricula? Please include both academic and behavioral...
Is the “response” positive, questionable, or poor? Positive = the same or current instruction/interventions may be continued with the same or increased goal or may be “faded” gradually Questionable = the rate at which the gap is widening slows but is still widening and does not close Were the interventions implemented with fidelity? Negative = the rate at which the gap is widening increases The “Progress Monitoring” part...
When does “intensive... individualized” become Special Education?
Student Services Team In a nutshell... Step 1 – Problem Solving (PS) Step 2 – Response to Intervention (RtI) (notify parent of need for intervention) Step 3 – Progress Monitoring Step 4 – Referral to Student Services Team (invite parent to a conference) Step 4 – See step 3! Step 5 – If necessary, Referral for Evaluation
Sample Tier 2 Intervention Plan Small groups of learners Up to six-ish Includes Tier 3 learners My suggestion: Tier 2 groups (EIR) on Tuesdays and Fridays Leaving Mondays and Thursday for Tier 3 Interventions Mini-assessments on Fridays So you hit both Tiers 2 and 3 at the same time
Sample Tier 2 Intervention Plan Document attendance on tracking forms Tier 2 groups on one sheet Document assessment data in Excel Must include Tier 1 (whole class) data Will include Tier 3 (intensive, individualized) data
Resources Q&A