TNO Environment, Energy and Process Innovation Menno Keuken Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam) Session 2: Mexico Workshop
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)2 A13 Highway in Rotterdam (NL) vehicles per 24 h 5-10 % heavy duty vehicles environmental impact: noise and air pollution (exceeding EU standards: annual 40 g/m 3 for NO 2 and PM10) epidemiological research: adverse health effects within 100 m from A13 active local citizens
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)3 Options for traffic management on highway in Rotterdam 1.reduction of traffic volume 2.reduction of specific traffic (e.g. trucks) 3.improve traffic dynamics (avoid stop-and-go) by 80 km/h speed trajectory control Based upon economic/technical feasibility: option 3
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)4 Emission factors related to speed
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)5 Improve traffic dynamics by speed control to reduce emissions by 25%
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)6 Noise reduction by noise screen
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)7 Costs involved: 3 km Highway Cost: Trajectory control investment: 1.5 M€ and annual maintenance: 0.5 M€ Income: fines/per day: 3000/day (start) 1000/day (now); /year = 7 M€/year Cost-benefits are profitable!
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)8 Impact traffic measures on NO contribution near highway: up- and down- wind measurements “before and after” hour Concentration (µg/m 3 ) “before” at 50 m “after” at 50 m “before” at 200 m “after” at 200 m
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)9 Impact traffic measures on NO 2 contribution near highway: up- and down- wind measurements “before and after” NO 2 traffic contribution (westerly wind) hour Concentration (µg/m 3 ) “before” at 50 m “after” at 50 m “before” at 200 m “after” at 200 m
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)10 Impact traffic measures on PM10 contribution near highway: up- and down- wind measurements “before and after” PM 10 traffic contribution (westerly wind) hour Concentration (µg/m 3 ) “before” at 50 m “after” at 50 m “before” at 200 m “after” at 200 m
January 2004Impact of speed control on urban air quality (Rotterdam)11 Impact speed control measures Mobility improved: less congestion Noise reduction: especially during night Air quality improvement: 5-10% NO 2 and PM10 upto 100 m [Note:tendency local authorities only to comply with AQ standards, while for health protection “more” is required ….]