SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 1 Title S. Marco, S. Manfredi (CSST) SP1 Meeting PONTEDERA 1st March 2007 INFRASENS Functional Architecture
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 2 SP2 Functional Architecture building process Functional Architecture, as opposed to Physical architecture, is the starting point for the system development. The Functional Viewpoint expresses the System in functional terms. It also shows how its functionality links to the outside world and in particular the users of the System and the data that is used within the System [FRAME] The Functional Architecture is essential to identify SP2 interfaces (with the external world and with the othe SPs) and as a basis for the LDM content definition
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 3 SP2 Functional Architecture building process The development of the Safespot Infrastructure Platform starts, as stated by the European ITS Frame Architecture, from the definition of the System Requirements. On the other hand, the system development must consider the Technological Solutions (devices+processes) proposed by each single partner. This twofold approach has led to the following method for the definition of the Functional Architecture:
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 4 SP2 Functional Architecture building process scheme System Requirements preliminary analysis System Requirements preliminary analysis Functional Blocks diagram Extraction of High Level Functions from System Req. Functional Architecture (Frame-Artist like diagrams) Functional Architecture (Frame-Artist like diagrams) UML diagrams of Functional Architecture Technological Capabilities analysis Platform features scheme Context Diagram + Data Flow Diagrams Use Case and Collaboration diagram
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 5 Functional Blocks Diagram
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 6 Extraction of High Level Functions from System Requirements Application of the ordering and grouping method in order to look for more functionalities coming from the System requirements list
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 7 Platform Features scheme SignalsRaw measuresSensorsLow level featuresEventsHigh level features section speed V2I Automatic Incident Detection Level 1 Data Fusion (object assessment)Level 0 Data Fusion (pre-processing)Level 2 Data Fusion (situation assessment) veh RFID (LCPC) Wrong direction thermal camera frames SensorsData FusionSP5 App.s vehicle direction Detection Algorithms magnetic field variation vehicle passage radio waves vehicle passage From vehicle SP1 Legenda: To Applications SP4- SP5 Sensors task process Det.Alg. task process Data Fusion task process Animal on road vehicle passage object position object profile object thermal profile previous veh. speed and time To Applications SP4 sect.speed limit Short headway Curve overshooting vehicle passage magnetic field variation ir,radar,us mechan. vibrations noise vehicle lat. position vehicle controls vehicle posit. sect. traffic density vehicle type vehicle speed safety critical level polarisation direct. images object position object speed vehicle spacing visibility range Ice on road laserscanner raw data section occupancy Safety level congestion/ incident vehicle loop WSN magnetic triple tech. WSN accelerom WSN microph Laserscan. CCTV camera Thermal imaging Road RFID (BME) vehicle presence vehicle passagevehicle direction radio waves vehicle presence section traffic flow Crash/ accident vehicle presence Wrong direction Veh. intended route Cooperative Pre-Data Fusion Object type Dyn. Black Spot recogn. object speed
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 8 Functional Architecture (EITSFA like) CONTEXT diagram Traffic Traffic&Travel info provider Environment Road pavement Probe Vehicle (SP1) To vehicle platform Vehicle Applications (SP4) SP2. Infrastructure platform Driver From traffic From Traffic&Travel info provider From environment From road pavement From vehicle Traffic controls From traffic controls To vehicle platform Infrastructure Applications (SP5)
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 9 Functional Architecture (EITSFA like) Data Flow Diagrams Traffic data Environment data To vehicle applications Vehicle data 2.4 Provide warning 2.1 Acquire measures To Driver incident Object data Environmental events From traffic (traffic sensors) From Traffic&Travel info provider From environment From road pavement From vehicle 2.2 Detect objects and events Trom vehicle applications SP5 outputs 2.3 Detect situation (SP5)
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 10 Functional Architecture (UML diagrams) 2. SP2 Infrastructure Use Case - Collaboration Diagram Traffic Traffic&Travel info provider (TIC) Environment Road pavement Probe Vehicle (SP1) Vehicle Applications (SP4) Driver From traffic (sensors) From Traffic&Travel info provider From environment From road pavement From Probe Vehicle Traffic controls From traffic controls 2. SP2 Infrastructure platform To driver Infrastr. Applications (SP5) SP4 Use Cases SP5 Use Cases 2.1 Acquire measures 2.2 Detect objects and events 2.3 Provide Infrastrucure based warnings To Vehicle Applications Object data Environmental events Incidents Traffic data Vehicle data Environment data SP5 outputs SP4 outputs «include» «realize» Traffic controls status
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 11 Functional Architecture (UML diagrams) 2.1 Acquire Measures From traffic (sensors) From Traffic&Travel info provider From environment From road pavement From Probe Vehicle From traffic controls Acquire vehicle data Acquire traffic data Acquire road pavement data Acquire environment data Acquire traffic controls status Vehicle position Vehicle speed «include» Vehicle data map-matching «include» Acquire noise Acquire thermal images Acquire weather information Acquire vehicle passage/presence on section «include» Map matched vehicle position Map matched vehicle speed Vehicle passage Vehicle presence To 2.2 Detects Events and objects To Infrastructure Applications Traffic controls status Road pavement data Acquire images Acquire laser signal images noise thermal images Iaser signal weather
SAFESPOT Project SP2 WP3 12 Next Steps Define the needed measures (features) and their characteristics (collaboration SP1/2/4/5) Have a clear view of the content of LDM (and other databases!) Detail lower level functions by each SP2 partner APPLICATION AREA: Hazard & Incident Warning CLUSTER: Obstacle on road STAGE 1: SP5 to fill in column for all applications (each ‘cluster’ variation entered separately) STAGE 2: SP5 to associate performance required to meet needs of warning strategy (timing, accuracy, update, reliability, etc coloured in black when definitive) STAGE 3: SP1/2 will fill in marking possible measurements. Later will give detail of ability to meet performance requirements. STAGE 1STAGE 2a2bSTAGE 3 Event/info/parameterMeasurementPerf. DETECTION Presence of obstacleLong position acc.5m10m5m Lane occupationLat position5m NO YES Road statusWet / dry98% conf90% conf80% conf LatencyEvent to warning 1 sec Warning strategy Zone/vehicles Perf. ACTUATION Generic warning to vehicles in e-zone Long distance/ Following vehicle50m Flashing LEDs OBU Speed recom. Speed reduction in a-zone Long distance/ VANET100m VMS Speed recomm OBU Speed recom.