The role of teacher in implementing inclusive education and the initial and continuing teacher education for supporting it. Pirjo Koivula Counselor of Education, FNBE 1
Many kind of learners with their individual needs Cantell 2012
Inclusion in Finland By inclusion we mean not only equal educational opportunities for all but also the strategies and structures that guarantee successful learning for all students. A system that allows all students to be successful learners: strong appreciation for education educational structures that prevent exclusion activities and pedagogies that facilitate inclusion
Strong individual support Comprehensive, non-selective basic education. All students have the same objectives and possibilities. The good quality of educational performance of the whole age group. Slow learners drop away from the pace of others without extra support. According to the Basic Education Act, those participating in education are entitled to sufficient support for learning and school attendance directly as the need arises. 5
Inclusion in Finland All students, even those with the most severe developmental impairments, receive similar basic education. Over 99.7% of students complete the nine years of comprehensive school. This requires a wide array of measures of support. 6
National Core Curriculum Primarily, support is provided for a pupil in his or her own teaching group and school by means of various flexible arrangements, unless the pupil's best interests necessitate his or her transfer to another teaching group or school in order to provide support. To ensure the early identification of needs for support, the progress of the pupils in learning and the state of their school attendance must be continuously assessed. 7
National Core Curriculum The school’s operating methods, teaching arrangements and learning environments as well as their suitability for the pupil are examined first. On the basis of this examination, it is assessed whether it is possible to implement more suitable pedagogical solutions by making changes in these aspects. Each teacher is responsible for the activities, learning and well-being of their teaching group. 8
Support in learning and school attendance The support in learning and school attendance is intensified by THREE STAGES, - general support, - intensified support and - special support. The level of support is based on the pedagogical assessment: How regular need for support is, how intensified support is needed, is there need for several forms of support. 7 9
Support in learning and school attendance Support forms prescribed in the Basic Education Act include remedial teaching, part-time special needs education, interpretation and assistance services and special aids. These support forms may be used at all three levels of support, both separately and to complement each other. 10
Support in learning and school attendance New pedagogical methods, differentiation, flexible grouping, to minimize the barriers to learning in learning environment. Assessing support needs and offering the necessary support is an integral part of a teacher’s work and all teaching situations.
Finnish teachers Good, highly qualified and motivated teachers All teachers - from primary years’ class teachers to upper secondary teachers have Master’s degree Teacher profession is very popular – they are valued experts in society The intellectual challenges of a curriculum that aims high and involves a regimen of constant invention. Teachers' strong role in deciding on school activities.
Curriculum work Most teachers also participate in drawing up of local curricula. Finnish teachers can also influence the development of education at national level. Teachers are generally represented in the expert groups preparing education reforms, new initiatives and National Core Curricula. 15
Initial teacher education The profession of a teacher is regulated, and the qualifications required from teachers are defined in legislation. Higher education institutions decide independently on the contents of teacher education. The link between teaching and research is emphasised in the education. The objective is to produce teachers with a research orientation in their work, who are capable of independent problem-solving and have the capacity to utilise the most recent research in the fields of education and the subjects taught. 16
Guided teaching practice All teacher education also involves pedagogical studies and guided teaching practice, which is implemented in the universities’ own schools for teaching practice or other schools nominated for the purpose. Guided teaching practice involves the giving of lessons, guidance discussions and familiarisation with tasks and responsibilities related to various issues arising in the everyday life of schools. 17
Developing teacher education Focus points in developing the content of teacher education include the teaching and guidance of students requiring a greater level of support, the development of learning environments, the utilisation of information and communication technology, issues related to a multicultural society, cooperation between school and home and cooperation with the world of work. 18
In-service/continuing education In general education teachers are obliged to participate in training for a minimum of 3 days per year. Teachers have the right to participate in this obligatory training with full salary benefits. Finnish teachers consider in-service training to be a privilege and therefore participate actively. 19
In-service/continuing education In-service training is offered by different providers. The education providers carry primary responsibility for continuing teacher education. Teachers themselves have been given greater responsibility for developing their professional skills and expertise. The state funds in-service training programmes, primarily in areas important for implementing education policy and reforms. 20
Challenges Most teachers’ working hours are based on teaching duties. The teaching profession is ageing in Finland. A big proportion of Finnish teachers are female. This is the case particularly in pre-primary education, where more than 90 per cent of the teachers are female. There are differences in the skills of teachers in using of information and communication technology. 21