My Favorites!! Isabella Sunderman
Favorite Colors! My favorite color is pink! Almost every thing I have is pink or has pink on it.. I think it is the best color! My other favorite color is baby blue. It is so pretty!
My favorite food My favorite food is Italian food The main reason I like Italian food is because I have a lot of Italian in me. My favorite Italian food is spaghetti.
Clothing brand My favorite clothing brand is Abercrombie & Fitch. There clothes are pretty and girly. And I just really like going there.
My favorite place to be My favorite place I was is Myrtle, Beach South Carolina. It is fun swimming in the ocean. I also enjoy playing on the sand.
Sports I don’t like to play sports but, I like to watch hockey and football. Hockey for the fights and stuff like that. And football because I grew up watching it.
My favorite teacher Mr.Rodrigues Is the BEST! My favorite teacher is Mr.Rodrigues. He is so nice. His class is fun too. We get to talk to our friends and stuff like that. That’s why I think Mr.Rodrigues is the best teacher EVER!!
My favorite season My favorite season is summer. I like the summer because I can tan. I also can go swimming. And I get to go to kennywood all the time!!
My favorite flavor My favorite flavor is anything hot. I think I love hot food because my dad always ate it and gave me it when I was little. My favorite hot things to eat is hot cheetos.
My favorite animal My favorite animal is monkeys They are so cute. When I go to the zoo that is the first place I go to.
My favorite hobbies My hobbies are texting and walking I am always texting on my phone. And I am always walking around outside. I enjoy doing that when I’m bored.
The End!!