0 Suffixes
1 More than one -s, -es tables Cars watches
2 Past tense verbs -ed Worked played painted studied discovere d designed
3 Makes the action happen now -ing Playin g doing workin g smiling runnin g cleanin g
4 Adverb of way -ly Quickly slowly smoothly
5 One who does something -or -er Worker player teache r visitor actor decorato r
6 Process or act -tion -sion Celebration Imagination education discussion commission compassion
7 Can be done -able breakabl e mixable cleanabl e drinkable rechargeabl e erasable
8 State or condition -ness sickness emptiness illness sadness goodness brightnes s
9 Action or process -ment advertisement disappointme nt commitment basement payment shipment
10 Being more -istic Realistic futuristic artistic vandalistic
11 More than -er Greater Bigger Taller Smarter shinier faster darker lighter
12 Full of -ful Beautiful Playful grateful resourceful respectful responsible
13 Without -less careless endless fearless hopeless homeless restless useless testeless
14 The most -est Greatest Evilest awesome farthest earliest smallest
15 with - matic dramatic pneumatic problemati c democratic automatic systematic