September 15 th, 2014 Ms. Angela Pacheco Trimble County HS Science Department
1 st period Astronomy Starter: get out new SW/APOD sheet Today’s learning targets: review 4-15 SW/APOD Begin Ch. 2 Study Guide Crossword puzzle and scientist organizer due Wednesday Unit 2 exam: Wednesday
2 nd Period Chemistry Starter: Complete in your notes. A Big Mac contains 550 Calories. Find how many joules that would be. 2-1 Practice problems Using the calorie equation Next due dates: – Tomorrow: 2.2 notes – Wednesday: 2.1 R/R wkst – Thursday: 2.3 Notes – Friday: 2.2 R/R wkst & Unit 1 Learning check #2 2 nd Chance opportunity for Unit 1 exam: Tuesday or Thursday– sign up today!
Conceptual Physics Starter: Get out SMQ sheet SMQ Unit 1 Summative analysis Vocab activity: Speed vs. Velocity vs. Acceleration 2 nd Chance opportunity for Unit 1 exam: Tuesday or Thursday– sign up today
Advisory Starter: pass out hardback books and workbooks Workbook, pg. 13 – put today’s date and reflect on how you’ve been doing with Habit 1: Be Proactive Begin Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind – Reading, pg. 74
4 th Period Astronomy Starter: get out new SW/APOD sheet Today’s learning targets: review 4-15 SW/APOD Begin Ch. 2 Study Guide Crossword puzzle and scientist organizer due Wednesday Unit 2 exam: Wednesday
Advanced Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet Today’s learning targets: 8, 10, 11 SMQ Small group problems, pg nd Chance opportunity for Unit 1 exam: Tuesday or Thursday– sign up today
Adv Phy Unit 2 Groups Emily TMegan W AmberDanielleMorgan C SidneyTanyaZack Emily ABretMorgan K DaltonKatieDavidRavenLogan BrennanTailorBradyMegan TCourtneyMilaEliMadelyn CollinAlexMichaelNickMiranda
AP Chemistry Starter: for practice, write the net-ionic reaction for the following: Magnesium nitrate is added to water. See 2 nd Chance tests Discuss 2 nd 2 nd Chance opportunity Continue wkst 15