What is a Predicate? A predicate is the part of speech that tells something about the subject. Example: Judy and her dog run on the beach every morning. The Predicate is in bold.
There are 2 Parts a of Predicates »The first type of predicate is a Simple Predicate. »The second type of predicate is Complete Predicate.
Example of a Simple Predicate »James was reading his book in the library. »What is the Simple Predicate? »The Simple Predicate is “reading”.
Example of a Complete Predicate »J»James was reading his book in the library. »W»What is the Complete Predicate? »T»The Complete Predicate is, “reading his book in the library”.
So, does everybody understand what a predicate is? »And what both parts of a predicates are? »Are there any questions? »Now we are going to pass out a crossword puzzle for you to work on.