Math 20-1 Chapter 7 Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions 7.1 Absolute Value Teacher Notes
In 1962 in Pincher Creek, AB, a chinook raised the temperature from -19ºC to 22ºC in 1 hour. This is a Canadian record. How many degrees was the temperature change? How many degrees is the temperature change?
7.1 Absolute Value Absolute value is the distance of a point or number from the origin (zero point) of a number line or coordinate system. The symbol for absolute value is a pair of vertical lines, one on either side of the quantity whose absolute value is to be determined. The absolute value of c is written as |c|. The |c| is defined algebraically as: |4| = 4|0| = 0|–4| = –(– 4) = 4 For example, 7.1.1
units away from 0 |–4| = 4 and |4| = 4. Absolute Value Absolute value can be used to represent the distance of a number from zero on a real number line
Compare and Order Absolute Value Arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest. Answer 7.1.3
Simplifying Absolute Value Expressions = 8 = 10 = -8 = 7 = 4 = -3
Evaluate an Absolute Value Expression Complete the crossword puzzle by evaluating the given expressions. Across 1. |3(8 + 3) – 6| + |–2(8 – 4)| 2. |–5(–12 – 8)| + |–42| 4. |5(–6 – 4) – 10| + | –2(3 + 5)| 5.|8(12 + 2) + 20| + |6(–8 – 5)| 3. |–5(15 + 8)| (|–25| )(|–6 – 4|) 8. |10(16 – 25)| – |–8 + 12| 9. |12 – 20| + |16 + 8| + |–22 – 6| Down 1. |180 – 20| – |12 – 20| + |–25 – 5| |–10(5 + 8)| + |–5(3 + 4)| |–120| – |15| + |35| 6. |–4(5 + 3) – 2| – |60| + |–20| 9. (|–6 – 8| )( | 5 – 2|) + |–22| (|–4(5 – 8) – 16| )( |5 – 13|) 7.1.5
Suggested Questions: Page 363: 6d, 7a, 8, 11, 12a, 13, 19