Welcome to State of Michigan Managerial and Supervisory Advance Entered for Employee Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management
There are two types of travel advances that may be issued (subject to agency policy) Non-Permanent - Advance may be created, when authorized by agency policy, for an individual trip or series of trips. These advances are liquidated (collected from the employee) after the associated trip or series of trips is completed. Permanent - Permanent travel advances may be issued, when authorized by agency policy, in circumstances that warrant a travel advance for an employee that routinely travels as part of their job. These advances are liquidated (collected from the employee) when routine travel is no longer part of their job, when travel has not occurred for the most recent 120 days, or when an employee separates from State service. Types of Advances
Non-Permanent Travel Advance Prior to Trip Employees submit requests for non-permanent travel advances through the Statewide Time and Expense system Upon approval of the supervisor and agency central finance office, these advances are issued as an addition to the employee’s net pay There may be circumstances that necessitate issuance of a travel advance through a manual payment. In those cases, the manual payment needs to be recorded in both MAIN FACS and the Statewide Time and Expense System.
Non-Permanent Travel Advance After the Trip Upon completion of the trip or trips that necessitated the advance, the employee submits their expense reimbursement request(s), including the liquidation of the advance, in the Statewide Time and Expense System If the travel advance amount exceeds the expense reimbursement amount, the liquidation will result in a decrease in the employee’s net pay for the difference If the travel advance amount is less than the expense reimbursement amount, the liquidation will result in an increase in the employee’s net pay for the difference, net of any associated tax withholdings for any taxable reimbursements
Travel Advance Entry Scenario Non-Permanent Travel Advance Ardith Cranston (Supervisor) will enter an advance for Jeanne-Marie Beasley (Employee), who will travel to Grand Rapids for three days to attend training. Estimated expenses are $ She will be staying at the Best Western for two nights and is leaving in three weeks.
Home Page After log-in, the application will display the Home Page: For Manager entry; mouse over ‘Manager’ then click ‘Advances’. This will access the Select Employee Manager - Advances screen:
Select Employee Manager - Advances Search Results will display employees based upon search criteria. Check My Employees to view list of only your employees. There are two areas: Select Employee and Search Results. Select Employee will allow you to select search criteria by Dept, Agency, TKU, Emp ID, Last name, Request ID and Appt search date (this field has a calendar available for selection, but will default to the current date).
Select Employee Manager - Advances Click ‘Search’ to retrieve Search Results. Once My Employees is checked the other select fields become deactivated.
Select Employee Manager - Advances Click on ‘View’ to navigate to the Advance List screen for this employee.
Select Employee Manager - Advances The filter allows you to choose any heading to filter on. When you click on the filter button found on many screens you will get a window that can be used to filter your data. Multiple conditions can be chosen Additional filters can be added using “+”
Advance List Page To create an Advance for this employee, click on the ‘Create New Advance’ button. Employee information can be viewed by clicking on the employee’s name - anywhere in the application.
Advance Entry - Advance Tab For the Amount, enter the total amount of the expected reimbursable expenses. To change the Request Date, it can be typed in or selected from the calendar. To select it from the calendar click on the square and choose the desired date. For the Request Date, today’s date defaults. 300 Processing Timeframes will show the last process dates and pay dates.
Advance Entry - Advance Tab Continued Advance To is the expected return date for this trip. It can be typed in or selected. Reason is the reason an advance is needed. Training in Grand Rapids. Advance From is the expected departure date for the travel. It can be typed in or selected from the calendar. Note: If the advance is permanent, check this box. 04/06/ /08/2010
Advance Entry - Advance Tab Continued Save Successful Submit Successful The message changes to ‘Submit Successful’. Click ‘Save’. After the ‘Save Successful’ message appears, click ‘Submit’. The Coding Block can be changed if needed. Note: The Advance ID is system generated when saved Note: Appropriate error messages can occur and will be displayed when there are insufficient and/or invalid inputs. (Severity: W = Warning E = Error).
Approval Process Once the Advance request has been submitted, it will enter the approval path appropriate for your agency and the Action code will be SUBM. An may be sent to the first level approver to inform them of the needed action. As long as the advance request is in SUBM status it can be modified by the initiator or the first level approver. (See Advance Modification Tutorial). As it goes through the approval process new Action codes will be added until it has been completely approved. To view the Action code and History of the Advance request click on the History tab.
Advance Entry - History Tab Version shows the number of times the advance request was modified after being submitted the first time. Action Code shows the action that was done. Click title for list of values. Comments will show additional information about the action. Action Taken By is the userid that performed the listed action. Action Date is the date & time the listed action was done. Click ‘Previous Page’ to return to the Advance List screen. Note: Status: Displays the approval required before the advance will be paid.
Advance List Screen The Amount Outstanding will remain 0.00 until the advance has been fully approved. The advance now displays on the ‘Advance List’ with an Advance ID. Advances will be displayed once saved and will remain unless deleted or purged. Note: The Amount Outstanding column shows each advance amount listed net of expenses that have been liquidated against it.
Advance Deletion Example Note: Advances can only be deleted if they are saved but not submitted. Click Delete and the saved Advance will be removed from the Advance List Page.
Where To Get Help Users with questions or needing help should call the OFM Help Desk at: (not local) At the welcome message press “8” then press “3” for HRMN Payroll/DCDS. We would like to hear from you! Please click the button to provide your comments or suggestions about this tutorial.
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