Information session first joint ERANID call Department of Health Eligibility Guidance for UK Researchers Policy Research Programme, Department of Health, England 5th November 2015
ERANID project European Area Network on Illicit Drugs (ERANID) Improve co-operation in drug research to allow evidence informed policy decisions and increase capacity of research on illicit drugs Countries involved in the first call: Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and England Around £3.5m of funding over 3 years – virtual common pot Deadline for submission is 2pm CET (1pm GMT) on 24 th November 2015
Call topic Transnational research in Understanding Drug Use Pathways Possible areas of focus: The impact of the digital world The impact of subjective experiences The impact of socioeconomic and physiological factors on drug use pathways Conditions: Open to all stages of drug use pathways, to all age groups and to all substances (including legal substances and NPS when relevant to illicit drug use pathway) The use of multidisciplinary approaches involving disciplines within social science and the humanities, although not limited to these Preference for innovative interdisciplinary research proposals Consider the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation
Eligibility ERANID eligibility criteria A minimum of two eligible applicants, although preference will be given to three or more from at least two countries Participants not eligible can participate if they are able to secure their own funding The majority of participants in a consortium and the Principal Investigator (PI) should be eligible to be funded Each consortium must nominate a PI Each applicant can submit up to two research proposals as co-PI or only one as PI Individual research groups will be funded by their national funding organisation – Department of Health for England The duration of the projects can be up to three years.
Eligibility DH eligibility criteria Must be relevant to DH policy, i.e. the research should have impact; there should be policy levers All UK institutions/organisations are eligible to apply Virtual pot for England is £750,000 over 3 years Looking to fund 2-3 projects Patient and Public Involvement Value for money Consider dissemination which includes drawing out the relevance of findings for policy-makers Intellectual property and innovation: consortium agreement If one country within your consortium does not meet its eligibility criteria the bid will be rejected – so check the national criteria of your partners
Terms and Conditions do apply! A Gantt chart is mandatory as part of the research plan – key milestones and deliverables Ethics and diversity DH monitoring form must be completed for accountability, audit and monitoring purposes Eligible costs are outlined in the UK section of the call By submitting your application you accept the T&Cs of our standard contract – which must be signed within 6 months of notification of funding %20V02%20-%2018%2009% pdf
Selection Procedure Step 1: Formal criteria check of proposals o Compliance to ERANID criteria: Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) o Compliance to national rules: national funding organisations Step 2: Peer review of proposals (criteria in call document) o Remote evaluation o Peer review panel (PRP) meeting: short-list Step 3: Project approval and communication of outcome o Decision made by the Funders Group o Communication of (un)successful projects from JCS to the principle investigator Each part of the bid must be of high quality in order to achieve the best mark from the PRP, so it is in your best interests to quality assure all strands of the application
Preliminary timetable DATEACTIVITY 24 November 2015Closure of the online submission system. 8 December 2015 Deadline for eligibility checks (ERANID and national). End January 2016Deadline peer-evaluation. End February 2016 Deadline panel-meeting of experts/peer- evaluators and representatives; selection of funding candidates (short list). End March 2016 Funding Group (FG) decide of projects to be funded. No later than 5 days after the FG meeting Deadline for communicating decision of FG to applicants (PI of (un)successful project proposals must inform each project partner of their consortia). Successful applicants should contact the relevant funding agency to start national /regional negotiations and administrative procedures. As soon as possible but approximately May 2016 Expected start time of funded projects. No later than three months after the official project start date Inter partners Project Consortium Agreements signed by project partners.
Social community A platform linked to the ERANID-website: Intended for researchers to: o Receive information on drug research, the ERANID call and other calls o Form international networks for the ERANID call as well as other calls o Disseminate information on drug research