Journal: What was the triangle trade route? List items being traded Lastly define the middle passage? Quick 2-3 minutes: go………………
Objectives for Today 1. Examine what life was like for enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage 2. Explain the Navigation Acts and how they affected the colonies
Growth of Trade Navigation Acts oEngland’s main interest in the colonies: Economic Benefit England depended a great deal on the colonies Mercantilism the creation & maintaining wealth through trade Balance of Trade (favorable) Fewer imports; more exports with the colonies Navigation Acts (regulation of trade w/colonies) 1660 Enumerated Articles (certain goods could only be sold to England not others – basically goods England couldn’t produce itself: sugar, tobacco, cotton, rice
Duties (taxes levied upon all goods/have to go through a English port) THINK PAIR SHARE: IS THIS GOOD OR BAD FOR THE COLONIES??? oMercantilism was good for the colonies – guaranteed outlet for goods Problem: colonists were dependant upon the English markets to sell their goods Overall the colonies provided raw materials for goods and the English provided finished goods, but the colonies could not trade directly with foreign countries American Smugglers oLooking for a way around England’s control Smuggled sugar, molasses, and rum Officials often overlooked the smugglers because they were lazy or couldn’t enforce trade regulations
Trade Networks o1707 Act of Union established between England and Scotland created the United Kingdom of Great Britain Britain had a trade network established around the world Triangular Trade Goods flowing from colonies (rum) to Africa (slaves) to the West Indies, West Indies (Molasses, sugar, slaves) to colonies
The Middle Passage Middle Passage (the trading of slaves) 13 million slaves 3 month voyage Deplorable conditions VIDEO
REACT: In at least 2 paragraphs describe the feelings the video of the middle passage sparked in you. Be specific with what made you feel that way and why. Lastly, Pick one very descriptive word you would use to describe the middle passage/slave trade- write this work on a sticky note of your choice and put it on the door!! This word should spark IMAGREY in some one reading it. No right or wrong (appropriate for school )
Exit Slip Can you fill in the Triangle Trade Route????