They Call it a Revolution…. English (1689), US(1776), Haitian (1791) and Latin American ( ) Revolutions (French (1789) coming tomorrow)
Lets review What does absolutism mean? What does divine right mean? What was the Scientific Revolution? List two scientific revolutionists and what they did. What was the Enlightenment? List three Enlightenment thinkers and what they believed.
The Glorious Revolution (England aka “bloodless” revolution)bloodless James II new Monarch Cause (2 reasons): James II has a son (male heir). Protestants(Anglicans) are afraid his son will want to spread Catholicism. William of Orange invades/invited England to assume the throne. James flee’s to France(SUCKER). Result: William & Mary take over agreeing to limited power & the English Bill of Rights.(Parliament)
AmericanAmerican Revolution Causes: 1. Increasing population and prosperity -A new sense of identity was growing in the colonists mind 2. British Laws and Acts - taxation without representation 3. Enlightenment Ideas -Used enlightenment ideas to justify independence. They asked for same political rights as the people in Britain. Effects: 1.Declaration of Independence 2.Constitution 3.Bill of Rights
HaitianHaitian Revolution Haitian Haiti was a French colony Cause: In 1791, black slaves rebelled Toussaint L’Ouverture became their leader, proclaimed himself ruler, and then freed all the slaves. Result: First Free Black Country
LatinLatin American Revolution Latin Cause: countries felt discontent towards Spain and Portugal. Resented unfair economic policies. Result: By 1810 Jose de San Martin expelled the Spanish from Argentina. Simon Bolivar liberated Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador from Spanish rule. Great Britain’s navy shielded the new nation from further European invasion