Background Blurring Shadow
Outline Introduction ◦ Camera-DSLR ◦ Depth of field Method ◦ Part I: object segmentation ◦ Part II: depth map ◦ Part III: defocus blur 2
Introduction DSLR 3
Introduction 4
Introduction Depth of field Circle of Confusion 5
System design 6
Depth map User define ◦ Vanish point 7
Depth map blur disk diameter b of a detail at distance x d from the subject 8
Img b (i,j)=∑ (circle(r,x,y) i,j × w x,y × Img o (x,y) ) 9
Defocus blur 10
Defocus blur 11
Bokeh 15
Todo list 1. 先把 object segmentation 的功能 implement 起來,方便實驗用 2.blur kernel 的計算公式 ◦ 和 photoshopCS3 的 lens blur 區別 ◦ 物理原理 / DIP 的角度 3. 和 depth 建立絕對關係 16