Basics of Astronomy Casey McNamara
EVERYTHING THE UNIVERSE Galaxies, solar systems, planets, stars, black holes, clusters, dark matter, AGN
Galaxies Large-scale system of stars, interstellar gas, dust, and plasma Elliptical Spirals Irregulars 90% composed of dark matter
Galaxies 2
Variable Stars Cepheid Mira Long Period Change luminosity Over 5,000 catalogued A variable star in the Large Megellanic Cloud
Stellar Evolution Lifetime 2 million to trillions of years Begins with collapse of giant molecular cloud New stars main sequence in HR Diagram HR Diagram shows spectral type
H-R Diagram
Spectroscopy O, B, A, F, G, K, and M Break up ray of light into components in visible light spectrum Chemical composition of object
Visible Light Spectrum
Stellar Spectra and Graph
Absorption and Emission Spectra
Jacoby Atlas
MONET North & South MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes Sutherland, South Africa McDonald Observatory, Texas Students receive 85% of time Robotic Designed to cover entire night sky
Views of MONET SAAO Sutherland hilltop view, including MONET MONET Telescope and McDonald Observatory
CCD and DSLR Charged-coupled device Found in CCD and DSLR Digital Single Lens Reflex
Astroimaging Tools Aperture Photometry Tool Image J Maxim DL Photoshop
Ratio of signal power to noise corruption Dark and Flat Fields Dark Field Flat Field Signal to Noise Ratio of signal power to noise corruption
Astronomy Today David Lefreniere Spectroscopy and hidden exoplanets Nicholas Cowan Looks at wavelengths to find water on other planets
Bibliography Brinkworth, Carolyn, and Claire Thomas. "Galaxies." Faulkes Telescope Educational Guide. July 2001. 2 June 2009. "Galaxies - KidsAstronomy." Astronomy For Kids. 02 June 2009 <>. Xantox. "M104 Galaxy in Infrared Light." Strange Paths :: Physics, computation, philosophy. 02 June 2009 <>. Sanders, Robert. "Rethinking Last Century's Closest, Brightest Supernova." UC Berkeley News. 9 Jan. 2007. UC Berkeley. 2 June 2009 <>. "Chapq5!" The University of Toledo : Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy. 02 June 2009 <>. Smith, Gene. "Stellar Spectra." Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences, UCSD. University of California. 02 June 2009 <>. "Measuring Stellar Spectra." University of Colick Astronomy. 2 June 2009 <>. "Stars' Life Cycle." Think Quest Astronomy. 2 June 2009 <>. Rasband, Wayne. "MONET : ImageJ." Institut für Astrophysik Göttingen. 28 Oct. 2004. 03 June 2009 <>.