Critical Illness Insurance at Work AFN42797
What You’ll Learn Why you need Critical Illness protection What Critical Illness protection can do for you How I can help you
Medical Advancements People are living longer Average life expectancy at birth 1 –1900: 47.3 years of age –2005: 77.8 years of age 1 National Center for Health Statistics – 2008; Table 27 – Life Expectancy at Birth
Medical Advancements People are surviving more critical illnesses –The five-year relative survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 1996 and 2003 was 66% 1 –As of June 15, 2007, the one-year survival rate for heart transplants for males was 87.4% and for females 85.5% Cancer Facts & Figures, American Cancer Society 2 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2008 Update; American Heart Association
Who Do You Know That’s Had… Lifetime chance of developing cancer is slightly less than 1 in 2 for men; a little more than 1 in 3 for women 1 Every 26 seconds, someone suffers a coronary event 2 Every 40 seconds, someone suffers a stroke Cancer Facts & Figures – 2010 Update; American Cancer Society 2 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2008 Update; American Heart Association Cancer?Cancer? Heart Attack?Heart Attack? Stroke?Stroke?
The Cost of Survival Costs such as: –Loss of income due to time away from work –Out-of-network treatment –Experimental treatment –Transportation and lodging for family members and loved ones during treatment –Child care, housekeeping and other domestic assistance
How Critical Illness Insurance at Work Can Help Pays an up-front cash benefit upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness* Money that can be used any way you wish, such as: –Debts –Hired help for the house –A trip, to boost mental health *as defined in the policy or certificate
Critical Illness Insurance Issue ages: 18 to 69 Available cash benefits: $5,000 to $75,000 Pays 100% For… Pays 25% For… Heart Attack First Ever Coronary Artery Bypass Stroke Cancer (Life Threatening) First Ever Coronary Angioplasty Major Organ Transplant Renal (Kidney) Failure First Carcinoma in Situ (localized)
Critical Illness Insurance Lump sum benefit pays for expenses other insurance doesn’t cover –Medical Insurance: Doctor visits, prescriptions –Disability Insurance: Replaces income during a disability –Life Insurance: Pays beneficiary upon death Now think about what a difference $10,000 or more would make in your life!
Benefits to You Critical Illness Insurance at Work offers –A portable policy –A policy with more affordable premiums than an individual policy –Premiums automatically deducted from your paycheck –Comfort of owning a policy from a strong, stable and secure company
How I Can Help Make an appointment with me, and we’ll discuss –Details –Benefits –Premiums [Name] [Phone Number] [ Address] This is used as a source of leads in the solicitation of insurance and an insurance agent (in WA: producer) may contact you. Critical Illness policy form numbers CIW or state equivalent. In ID, CIW-20147; in NC, CIW-19795; in OK, CIW-19657; in OR, CIW-19915; in PA, CCIW-19938; in TX, CIW-19755; in WA, CIW Underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE These policies have exclusions, limitations and reductions. Products may not be available in all states. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact your licensed insurance agent. Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company is licensed nationwide.