Activities Nuclear Data Service Yolanda Rugama OECD/NEA
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 2 Contents EXFOR and CINDA, Processing Relevant activities within the WPEC JEFF project JANIS Workshops and conferences.
Services to Nuclear Data users CINDA, EXFOR, EVA, JANIS EVA is continuously updated with the latest version of all the general purpose and special purpose libraries (JEFF3.1.1, UKPADD6.9,…) Updated version of JANIS available through the JANIS website ( Processed group cross-section and Monte Carlo libraries based on JEFF3.1 and on JEFF to assist scientists wanting to use the data in application calculations. Nuclear Data services, Rugama 3
EXFOR and CINDA Verification procedures and IAEA NDS web interface facilitates new and revised data entry EXFOR: In 2008, 50 new works and 147 revised experiments related to neutron induced data. 145 new and 59 revised experiments for charged particles induced data. In 2009, 4 months, 28 new works and 137 revised for the neutron induced (WPEC SG30). 56 new and 17 corrected charged-particle induced experiments. CINDA Continued support of the Japanese Nuclear Data Centre 784 entries loaded in the DB early Nuclear Data services, Rugama 4
Processing of Nuclear Data Workshop on processing tools for evaluated nuclear data libraries organised the 18 November 2008 ( /) Nuclear Data services, Rugama 5 CEA project for nuclear data pre and post processingNJOY new plotting features for covariance data
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 6 WPEC subgroup activities Subgroup C: High Priority Nuclear Data Request List (HPRL) 10 general and 25 high priority requests
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 7 WPEC SG-C: HPRL:
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 8 WPEC subgroup activities Subgroup C: High Priority Nuclear Data Request List (HPRL) 10 general and 25 high priority requests Subgroup 30: Improvement of EXFOR accessibility and quality Report to be issued in 2010, a year extension has been requested by the chair.
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 9 WPEC subgroup 30 on EXFOR Quality and accessibility assessment of EXFOR Discussions on a better completeness on photonuclear data and certain old data not yet included in EXFOR. Maintenance of the EXFOR database. Faster response to trivial corrections. Verified computational format (C4) to be used in codes.
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 10 WPEC subgroup activities Subgroup C: High Priority Nuclear Data Request List (HPRL) 10 general and 25 high priority requests Subgroup 30: Improvement of EXFOR accessibility and quality Report to be issued in 2010, a year extension has been requested by the chair. Subgroup 33: Methods and issues for the combined use of integral experiments and covariance data
JEFF project: Release of the JEFF General Purpose Neutron induced Fission Yields U-235, MF=8 Nuclear Data services, Rugama 11
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 12 JEFF Report 22: The JEFF Nuclear Data Library Published in May 2009
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 13 JEFF Report 23 “Validation of the JEFF-3.1 and JEFF3.1.1” Thermal reactors (e.g. U-238, LEU-COM- THERM-007) Fast reactors Fuel cycle, storage and reprocessing Fusion other applications,(e.g. Fe, neutron leakage)
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 14 Plans for JEFF-3.2 Revise U-235 and U-238 (emphasis on high energy region) New evaluation for the Pu-239 More evaluations with covariance data (e.g., Pb, Bi) Latest version of European Activation file (EAF-2009…) Photonuclear data for all isotopes when available New evaluations for Tungsten, Hafnium and Tantalum. New evaluations using the measurements from Geel: Pb, Bi, Am-241 and Am-242 Integrate the Th-232 evaluation available from IAEA. Radioactive Decay data library (about 130 new/revised evaluations) A tentative date for the release is 2010
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 15 New version of the NEA data display software Latest version available through Java Web Start technology (1/3 total users) All libraries processed coherently with NJOY BTSPEC code from Tobias integrated in JANIS to display beta spectral ray shapes Display of Photonuclear data (MF12-15) Improved EXFOR coverage
Nuclear Data services, Rugama 16 Conferences and workshops Int. Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND 2010) April 2010, Jeju Island, Korea Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications (WONDER 2009) 29 Septembre-2 October 2009, Cadarache, France IAEA/NEA Technical Meeting on Specific Applications of Research Reactors: Provision of Nuclear Data October 2009, Vienna, Austria