2222 Bush 41 Clinton Bush 43 Avg Aircraft Age New Administration Since DESERT STORM, we have been executing the Nation’s missions by flying an average 2.2M hours/year, but with an inventory that is 31% smaller, 42% older Op Northern Watch Op Provide Comfort I & II Op Desert Fox Op Iraqi Freedom Op Allied Force Op Noble Eagle Op Enduring Freedom Op Southern Watch Counter Narcotics Op Provide Promise Op Support Hope Op Restore Hope Op Deliberate Force Op Desert Storm ,665,578 2,118,182 2,065,824 2,373,339 2,050,574 1,736,675 Avg 2.2M FH/YR 17+ Years of Combat Operations Total Hours Flown and Projected
3333 Bush 41 Clinton Bush 43 Op Northern Watch Op Provide Comfort I & II Op Desert Fox Op Iraqi Freedom Op Allied Force Op Noble Eagle Op Enduring Freedom Op Southern Watch Avg Aircraft Age Counter Narcotics Avg 2.2M FH/YR Op Provide Promise Op Support Hope Op Restore Hope Op Deliberate Force New Administration Op Desert Storm ,665,578 2,118,182 2,065,824 2,373,339 2,050,574 1,736,675 Since DESERT STORM, we have been executing the Nation’s missions by flying an average 2.2M hours/year, but with an inventory that is 31% smaller, 42% older 8,494 6,855 6, ,632 5, Years of Combat Operations Total Hours and Aircraft Inventory
4444 1,851 aircraft delivered from FY91 – FY07; 753 expected deliveries from FY08 – 13, but with an average aircraft age increasing from 16.9 yrs to 25.7 yrs Years of Combat Operations Aircraft Deliveries vs. Average Age
5 Increasing Stress on Inventory AGE FMCPMCDepot / ModLeft on Ramp 64% (3,366) 18% 9% FMC availability dropped 12 points Aggregate (5,242) FY93-Q3 FY07-Q3 55% (2,414) 24% 10% 11% Aggregate (4,364) 31% Since Desert Storm, higher airframe utilization with 31% less aircraft Reaching service life sooner Inventory is 42% older; airframe readiness (Aircraft Availability) 12% lower Investment & innovation across sustainment Enterprise is ‘holding the line’ since % of inventory is grounded/restricted Recapitalization is critical to fleet health AVAILABILITY TAI UTILIZATION Data as of: 30 Sep 07 FY08-Q1 52% (2,233) 28% 9% 11% Aggregate (4,326)
6 Increasing Stress on Inventory AGE SOURCES: GCCS-AF Data Services & REMIS/MERLIN AVAILABILITY Data as of: 31 Dec 07 AGE AVAILABILITY Total Inventory Aggregate Fighter/Attack Inventory Aggregate AGE AVAILABILITY Total Inventory Aggregate – Includes 1 st Qtr FY08 (actual data) Total Inventory Aggregate Total Inventory Aggregate – Includes 1 st Qtr FY08 (modified F-15A-D data) Fighter/Attack Mission Area – Includes 1 st Qtr FY08 (modified F-15A-D data)