CAUSES OF WWII TREATY OF VERSAILLES – France-Germany not punished harsh enough – Italy-felt ignored in treaty – Germany-Humiliated Democratic Gov. est. Weimar RISE OF FASCISM- Glory of State – total control – Italy – Mussolini – Germany – Hitler – Spain – Franco – Soviet Union – Stalin – Japan – Hideki Tojo APPEASEMENT Italy-Ethiopia-Rommel-Desert Fox Japan – Manchuria Nazi-Soviet Pact – Chamberlain-Gr. Britain “achieves peace for our time” Rhineland Austria Sudetenland-Munich Pact allowed this ISOLATIONISM – FDR-Quarantine Speech Neutrality Act-No arms sold to countries at war Cash-and-carry- Buy from US in cash & came to US ports to transport Lend Lease Act- US to send weapons to Britain-don’t have to pay Atlantic Charter -US & Britain oppose Hitler together – WORK FOR PEACE
THE HOLOCAUST – Killing of 6 million Jews HITLER-Blames Jews for Germany’s problems Aryan Race – Perfect Race Anti-Semitism-Prejudice against Jews Nuremberg Laws-Strips Jews of German citizenship, civil & economic rights ATTACKS ON JEWS: Kristallnacht – “Night of Broken Glass” - Goebbels Concentration Camps and Ghettos WANNSEE CONFERENCE Final Solution-Extermination Camps GENOCIDE-Deliberate killing of a race with purpose to exterminate the particular ethnic group
HITLER AND START OF WWII Chamberlain – APPEASEMENT-gives in to Ger. Ger. Sends troops into Rhineland, Austria, Czech. Churchill–Opposes appeasement Reichstag Law-enables Hitler to establish one- party Nazi State-acts without consent of Ger. Gov. Nazi-Soviet Pact-Hitler & Stalin agree not to fight each other if the other went to war Hitler invades Poland – Allies (Br. & Fr) declare War on Germany – Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan
U.S. PREPARES FOR WAR PEARL HARBOR – FDR “A DATE WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” Selective Service Act Women’s Role – Rosie the Riveter Rationing National War Labor Board-to avert strikes-not hinder war effort MANHATTAN PROJECT – OPPENHEIMER-ATOMIC BOMB INTERNMENT CAMPS –Executive order Japanese forced to leave military zones (West. U.S)
U.S. IN WWII- PACIFIC PACIFIC – MacArthur – “I shall return” Bataan Death March – Philippines Doolittle's Raid – Tokyo & other cities Midway – Land, air and sea Guadalcanal – Solomon Islands Battle of Iwo Jima – Mount Suribachi Okinawa – Caves & tunnels Island Hopping Atomic Bomb – Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Truman Leyete Gulf – 1944 – Philippine Islands Elbe River- U.S. & Russians 1945-cut Ger. Army in two Battle of the Bulge
THE U.S. IN EUROPE 1944 – YALTA CONFERENCE –ROOSEVELT, STALIN, CHURCHILL- Dealing with Germany and Europe after the War D-Day – Allies invade beaches in Normandy France Battle of the Bulge – Final Offensive of German against the allies in the Ardennes Hitler commits suicide V-E Day –Victory in Europe U N created to prevent future wars Potsdam Conference – Truman,Stalin,Churchill Nuremburg Trials