Chap 25 Sec 3
B. North Africa and Italy 1. Erwin Rommel (Desert Fox) lead German Afrika Korps 2. Tried to take Egypt & Suez Canal 3. British General Bernard Montgomery stopped Battle of El Alamein 4. US General Dwight D. Eisenhower & Montgomery trapped Rommel-surrendered
5. Allies could now attack “enemy’s soft underbelly” 6. July 43 Allies take Sicily then land on mainland by September 7. Italians overthrow Mussolini 8. Germany move in to stop Allied advance 9. Allies captured Rome in June April 45 Italian resistance capture & kill Mussolini
C. Turning Points 1. Germany had pushed deep into Soviet Union 2. 9/42 Battle of Stalingrad a. Fierce city block fighting b. Low supplies & Soviet winter caused German troops to surrender - Axis lost 200,000 troops 3. Soviets also scored a victory during a tank battle in Kursk 4. Hitler’s attempt to conquer Soviet Union failed
5. Gen George C. Marshall chose General Eisenhower to plan Operation Overlord a. D-Day 6/6/44- Massive landing on beaches of Normandy France b. Landed under cover of artillery fire from warships off coast c. Multiple fake landings to fool Germans d. Largest sea-and land invasion in history- 155,000 troops
6. General Omar Bradley led forces into occupied France 7. By July tank forces led by George Patton broke Germany lines 8. 8/25/44- Bradley liberated Paris D. The Battle of the Bulge 1. Allies pushed toward Germany 2. Hitler refused to surrender
3.12/16/44 Germans launched an offensive in Ardennes 4.Battle of the Bulge- 25 divisions (1000) tanks almost broke thru Allied lines 5.Heavy Allied casualties- 77,000 but turned offensive 6.Germany’s last offensive attempt