The temperature is hot in the day and cold in the night. The weather sometimes has sandstorms and is very very sunny. It looks like the grand canyon but the sand makes arches and it has cacti with flowers blooming. Less than 10 inches of rain a year can be called a desert.
One fifth of earth land is in deserts. I found a cacti blooming flowers and a barrel cacti and a ocotillo.
I found a cacti blooming flowers and a barrel cacti and a ocotillo. All these cacti are green and some of these cacti bloom flowers
A sandfish is nocturnal, which means it is awake at night. A fennec fox is a fox that Has to hide in the daytime. A scorpion has five sets of eyes And pinches and pokes when it sneaks up on his prey That would be a good time for its tail to come in handy. A jack rabbit Has brown fur and has ears that are big to keep the rabbit cool.
An elf owl eats a scorpion. A scorpion eats smaller insects. A mere cat eats leaves or Insects and a fox eats small elf owl Lives inside a cactus for protection.
I learned about a cacti that blooms flowers and A special kind of woodpecker called a glia wood pecker