Tyne Gateway Trust A Whole Family Approach to Child Poverty Pauline Wonders (Director) Sally Booth (Operations Manager) Vanessa Binks (Community Entrepreneur) Joanne Thompson (Community Entrepreneur) Michelle Jones (Family Entrepreneur) Julie Croft (Family Entrepreneur)
Presentation Outline Background to Tyne Gateway The ‘Barefoot’ bit of the model The ‘Professional’ bit of the model Case studies – how it works on the ground Outcomes and achievements Summary and questions
About Tyne Gateway Local charity focused on reduction of family and child poverty Barefoot Professional model (CEs and FEs) Commissions and projects include Troubled Families and Improving Futures (IF) IF model focuses specifically on whole family approach to achieve improved outcomes for children in primary school Community led innovation and service redesign 5 years of evidence-based outcomes
How the model works ‘Barefoot’ Who we are and where we’re from Understanding our communities Using the right language / jargon Relationships built on trust Practical hands-on approach Passion and commitment Fearless and agile
What parents told us "Chaz's support has been brilliant I have got so much more understanding about Nikita condition…. she has become a confident child and has a diagnosis, her needs are being met to her level and she now achieving with her adjusted support. I have a much better awareness of support and services in my local area and I now a good relationship with Nikita’s high school." (child referred for attainment concerns) “The property that we are living in was in very poor condition and we had no gas or electricity and this was affecting my child’s attendance at school. Since the school referred us to an FE we have improved housing conditions and are safe and warm and my child’s attendance has improved” “Michelle was very helpful in helping us move she didn't give up on us and did not stop till it was all done” Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014
How the model works ‘Professional’ Policies to guide and protect us Safeguarding training and knowledge Working alongside services, schools and other professionals is critical Training and Education (CPD) including Higher Education Management and peer supervision
What professionals told us “The support from the FE is having a positive impact on the children that have been referred by the school with regards to behavioural issues. The teachers have reported improvements in behaviour” (Head Teacher) “The child’s attendance and punctuality at school have improved which has resulted in the child’s attainment levels also improving” (Family Support Worker) “The FE has liaised on behalf of the parents with services and has resulted in positive outcomes e.g., landlord. Also the FE has been a major professional in the team around the family and has contributed to all the positive outcomes evidenced at the meeting” (Young Person Lead) Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014
Case Studies Michelle Jones: 3 very different case studies from the families we have engaged and supported, over 400 of whom we have worked with intensely and all of which highlight our unique approach Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014
Evaluation and Outcomes Evidence based and evaluated continuously School indicators are based on attendance, achievement and attainment (Improving Futures Project) Family outcomes based on our bespoke ‘Outcomes Web’ Children’s outcomes based on bespoke ‘Children’s Questionnaires’ Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014
Improving Futures Project Outcomes and Indicators Main Indicator: Improved outcomes for children in families with multiple and complex needs – At the end of year 2, 82% of children and 92% of parents reported positive improvements in their circumstances – At the end of year 2, 84% of all children referred had improved attendance and attainment and 70% improved achievement – At the end of year 2, 43% of children referred who were on the ‘at risk’ register had removed from it due to our interventions – To date, 217 families identified as not working securely have accepted a bespoke package of support and we are significantly exceeding target
Improving Futures Outcomes to date To date: 217 families have been referred to date (ahead of target) 100% of families have engaged with the FEs 117 families have completed the intervention At the end of year 2, 85 families had completed their intervention for which evaluation data was available. The following shows the % of children and families reporting improvement:
Outcomes to date Children (measured through bespoke questionnaire): I have lots of friends – 68% I feel safe – 64% I enjoy spending time with my family – 60% School is a nice place to be – 60% I know what is happening next in my day – 64% I am listened to – 65%
Outcomes to date Families (measured through bespoke Outcomes web): Accessing services – 92% Ability to cope – 90% Aspirations/future goals – 84% Employment/education & training – 58% Health & wellbeing – 84% Social family time – 82% Function as a family – 86% Managing money – 70%
The School’s Perspective (quoted from a Head-teacher) We regard our FE as a real asset to our team. Our staff couldn’t think of one family where this kind of intervention had failed – it always helps. This kind of family intervention definitely has had an impact on our data and our attendance figures – we aim for no child to be left behind.
What a Head teacher told us “Our FE is a very important part of our strategy, because she can get involved with the family in a more intense way and reach families that will not work with us …… the approach of the FE suits our families who find her non-threatening and supportive. She is not afraid to get involved in whatever aspect of life seems to be preventing the family succeeding.” Dr Jim Crinson, Head-teacher Collingwood School.
Summary Whole family approach, supporting with underlying issues to achieve sustainable change Barefoot Professional staff working hand in hand with other professionals whilst maintaining independence Influence service redesign Value for money (less expensive model) Troubled Families, Improving Futures and other projects all strategically aligned Innovation alongside collaboration and co-production is key Transferrable model – other locations and contexts Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014
Questions? Improving Futures Dissemination Event 21st March 2014