Journal Entry – week 1 Read pg. 9 “Why You Overreact” Write about a time when you overreacted to a situation. What was the event? When was it? What was the outcome? Were others affected? Were any physical characteristics attached (crying, shaking, sweating, rapid heartbeat, etc.) Has it been resolved?
Journal Entry – week 2 Write a paragraph or more about an early childhood memory as if it happened yesterday. Include as many details as possible regarding your senses and physical surroundings. Include clothing or other personal items if you can recall them.
Journal Entry – week 3 With no specific bias towards any one candidate … An election is coming soon. In your opinion, what is more important in a president (leader); personal/moral character or professional experience. You may only chose one. Write a paragraph about your decision and why. No names, party lines.
Journal Entry – week 4 If you could crawl in the mind of any person, living or while they lived and view their thoughts like a movie, who would it be? Why did you chose that particular person? What is one question you’d have or piece of advice you’d offer that person?
Journal Entry – week 5 What do you feel is the most pressing/important issue facing the American adolescent today? Why did you choose this issue? What evidence “out there” tells you personally that this is the most important?
Journal Entry – week 6 According to a recent poll, the biggest fear people have is public speaking. The second is death. A comment was made by one respondent that “he’d rather be in the guy in the casket than to have to deliver the eulogy!” What is your biggest fear? Is it realistic (could it actually happen) Has it happened before? Why do you fear it? Do you think about it often (more than once or twice a week? What, if anything might help you overcome that fear?
Journal Entry – week 6 Select an issue in which you have mixed feelings. Discuss the issue in a few sentences. What are your feelings and motives regarding the issue.
Journal Entry – week 7 Imagine you have a severe disorder that can only be remedied by a complicated brain surgery in which the brain would be split. What are 5 RELEVANT questions you would have for the doctor before the surgery.
Journal Entry – week 8 Scientists are exploring the reasons for sleep and dreaming. What would be lost and gained if the need for sleep were eliminated? Think of a time when you did not have enough sleep over several days, perhaps weeks. How did you feel physically? What was your mood?
Journal Entry – week 9 A regular user of marijuana offers you a ride home from school. He/she is an honor student, never in trouble at school, and a star athlete. The user states that smoking marijuana does not impair driving ability. Would you get in the car with that person? Yes/no; why or why not?
Journal Entry – week 10 Out of all the senses, which do you consider your strongest? Weakest? Give an example of each.
Journal Entry – week 11 What are the pros and/or cons of being able to genetically select a child’s characteristics (DNA)? If you had a relative (parent, sibling, etc.) with a debilitating illness such as ALS or Huntington’s Disease, would you want to be tested for that disease as well? (Both are devastating diseases with no cure; loss of control of all body movements & functions and one with a total loss of body and brain function).
Journal Entry week 13 Everyone has stress and anxiety. They can be situational or constant, even when a stressful situation is not at the forefront. How do you cope with stress? Do you practice good or not so good habits? What things could people do to lessen their stress? When is a little stress good for you? How can you tell physically that you are getting stressed?