Ponder this.
On the inside cover of your literature book: Your Name15-16Ross
Think carefully about the following question. Write a clear paragraph explaining your answer. If you had to choose to be ONE of the following, which would you choose and WHY? POPULAR but not intelligent: You would have many friends but would be unable to understand much of the world around you. OR INTELLIGENT but alone: You would be incredibly intelligent but would need to make your way through the world without friends.
Write a clear paragraph explaining your choice. Be sure to include a topic sentence stating your position. Include 2 or 3 well-explained details supporting your choice. Finish with a concluding sentence emphasizing the importance of your choice. NEVER, EVER, EVER write anything even remotely like “That is why…”; “This is why…”, “Now you know…”, “I have told you…” Instead, draw a logical conclusion to wrap up.
1. Contrasts and contradictions 2. Words of the wiser 3. Aha! Moment 4. Again and again 5. Memory moment 6. Tough questions Authors include these for a reason! When we analyze literature, these are things that we must consider. Take NOTE of them…literally. Signposts—Take NOTE when reading!
Think about the story. React to the story in writing in ONE of the following 3 ways: 1. Intellectually/scientifically 2. Emotionally/ relationally 3. Pragmatically You have 5 minutes to write about how the story affected you through the lens you chose above.
Now discuss On what level is Daniel Keyes trying to get his readers to react? Find the text that proves it! How can one type of reaction lead to another? (Be careful in your phrasing. If you are asked “How?” do NOT center your response around “because”– that addresses “Why?” not “How?”
In your groups: Periods 1 & 8 1. Re-read the journal entries from March 23 (p. 91) through April 22 (on p. 103) ALOUD! Take turns. 2. As you are reading, take notes on CHARACTERS and their CHARACTERIZATION in the top half of your paper. Stop, write, and discuss what you discover. 3. On the bottom half of your paper, take notes on PLOT. Stop, write, and discuss how elements in the PLOT contribute to the SYMBOL of a MAZE. When Charlie meets “walls” and “twists and turns” in his life, stop and make the connection– How is Charlie’s life like a MAZE?
Find 5 of the saddest parts of the story. Write out the 5 saddest things in the story, listing them in chronological order. Go back through the list and put them in order according to how sad they are. The least sad thing on the list of sad things should be a 1 (*), and the most sad should be a 5 (*****). Now find the saddest line in the story. Write it out exactly, give line numbers, and explain what makes it sad.
Benefits: Make a list of every positive thing that happened in the story as a result of the surgery. The positive things do NOT all have to relate to Charlie alone. (For example, think about how Mr. Donnegan’s company benefitted.) List these positive outcomes chronologically, and then go back and rank them according to how positive they are. The least positive of the positive things would be a 1, etc.
Consider both lists. Was Charlie’s surgery worth it?