Unit 3 Giving a talk about a historical event. Skills building 1: listening for the gist Discuss the following questions in groups: 1.When you have conversations.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Giving a talk about a historical event

Skills building 1: listening for the gist Discuss the following questions in groups: 1.When you have conversations with your friends, what decides the topic you are talking about? 2.Will the topic be different if someone else joins your conversation? 3.Will the topic be different if you move to another place to talk? 4.Will it be different if you are doing something else whild you are talking?

When we are listening to get the gist, we should try to find out: 1.how many people are talking 2.where they are 3.what they are doing 4.what they are talking about

Listen to a short conversation and complete the note sheet below: The number of people talking: (1) The place they are talking in: (2) classroom The thing they are doing while talking: (3) The subject they are talking about: (4) three taking notes learning from past experiences

Step1: finding useful expressions Note sheet I am now listening to (1) a quarrel / an interview / a chat between friends. I can hear (2) one person / two people / three people talking. The conversation takes place in a (3) classroom / restaurant / library. The title of the girl’s talk is (4)___________________ the surprise attack Listen to a conversation and fill in the note sheet:

Listen to the conversation again and pay much attention to the details: Useful expressions to use when giving a talk 1 Greeting the audience * Informal: (1)_____________________________________ Hello, good to see you all here. Nice to see you all here. * Formal: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, everyone.

2Expressing thanks to the audience * Informal: Thanks for coming. I’m so glad you could all join us. Thank you for coming to the talk today. * Formal: Thank you all for taking the time to be here. (2) __________________________________ Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen. 3Explaining the reason why you are talking to the audience Today (3)______________________ show you some illustrations of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, and to tell you something about (4)___________________________ and what its consequences were. We’re all gathered here to view some… I’m very grateful that you have come today. I am here to how it happened

4 Mentioning your hopes I hope this has been informative and interesting for you. (5)_______________________________________ Hopefully you have all learned something new. 5 Giving a final expression of thanks Thank you for being such a good audience. (6) _________________________________ Thanks again for coming. 6 Giving the audience a question-and-answer session I’m now open for any questions you may have. (7)__________________________________ Now that we’re finished, does anyone have any questions? I hope that you enjoyed this talk. Thank you for your kind attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Skills building 2: describing illustrations When we are describing an illustration, we should pay attention to: Do not wish to point out every detail of the illustration. First, briefly mention the subject of the illustration Second, focus on the related background information about the illustration

Look at the picture of Tian’anmen Gate and write a description for it according to the key words given: Tian’anmen Gate 1 st October 1949 The founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China Chairman Mao Zedong On 1 st October, 1949, the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China was held on the second floor of Tian’an men Gate. Chairman Mao announced the founding of the new country as he overlooked Tian’anmen Square.

Step2: writing descriptions for your illustrations Prepare for a talk about the attack on Pearl Harbor 1.Have you ever heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor? 2.When and where did it take place? 3. What was the result? Group work *Read the information on the web *Discuss what information can be used from the web page to describe the illustrations *Write the descriptions for the four illustrations on Page 55

These photos remind us of the attack carried out in 1941 by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, an important US military base in Hawaii,during World War II. 1This picture shows the night before the attack. Many Japanese ships and aircraft carriers sailed to the Hawaiian Islands and were waiting there for a surprise attack. 2This picture shows the scene after the attack. As a result of the fatal attack, much of the US Pacific Fleet was destroyed. 3The man in this picture is the former US President Franklin Roosevelt. He declared the war against Japan after the attack. 4This picture shows the US national memorial at Pearl Harbor. It was established to remember those Americans who died in the attack in 1941.

Skills building 3: planning an outline for a speech a simple outline of a speech often includes: A greeting to the audience An expression of thanks to the audience An explanation of why the speaker is there, or what the speech is about The main body of the speech: details, facts, names, dates, and/or history Your vision and hopes for the future The conclusion of the speech A final expression of thanks

Organize the notes into an outline for the speech: Future: UNESCO is going to help protect more sites around the world and provide more education to make sure that people can enjoy the treasures from the past. Good afternoon, distinguished guests. 1 Explanation: what UNESCO has done to protect the world cultural heritage. Thank you for your kind attention. I am very honoured and grateful that you have come today. Join us and support our project of protecting the world cultural heritage. What our team has done in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China: helping local people form an action plan to preserve the ancient town, move most factories out of town, improve the water supply and fire control

Step3: giving your talk Make preparations for a talk: Organize the students into small group and choose some sets of illustrations Plan an outline according to a set of illustrations Give the talk in groups and pay attention to the points given on P57

Homework Write a passage about the Grand canal in about 150 words according to the information given on P107