1 LOW-INCOME ENERGY NETWORK Closing the energy affordability gap: Energy conservation and rate assistance LIEN Annual Conference, Hamilton June 20, 2007 Mary Todorow, ACTO Mary Truemner, ACTO
2 Major Gaps No comprehensive, province-wide low- income energy conservation program – and no national program No permanent low-income rate assistance program
3 Where do low-income consumers live? 759,590 LICO households 490,485 are tenant households (65%) Live social housing or private sector rental – most in multi-residential buildings 269,095 are homeowners (35%) 39% are senior-led
4 Housing affordability 42% of Ontario tenant households pay 30% or more of their household income on shelter costs (including utilities). 66.4% of Ontario households in core housing need are tenant households - a significantly disproportionate share. Smart Metering impact….
5 Energy conservation and low-income consumers Conservation is the: cheapest, cleanest, fastest solution to our energy crisis BUT, it won’t happen in low- income residential sector without financial investment
6 Snapshot - low-income conservation Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. $ 4,558,250 Union Gas $ 4,303,000 LDCs' low-income CDM $ 4,293,120 LDCs' social housing CDM $ 4,554,216 OPA's Social Housing Program - Phase One $ 9,250,000 OPA's Social Housing Program - Phase Two in development OPA's Energy Efficiency for Houses $ 2,900,000 OPA's Canada-Ontario AHP Energy Efficiency Program $ 3,700,000 OPA's Multifamily Buildings Program in development $ 33,558,586
7 Low-income rate assistance Ontario Home Energy Affordability Program 5 major components: rate affordability, arrears management, crisis intervention, conservation & demand management and consumer protections low-income consumers should not pay more than 6% of total household income on energy
8 Low-income rate assistance April 26, 2007 OEB decision – no jurisdiction to set affordable rates for low-income consumers -strong dissent decision by OEB Vice-Chair Response: LIEN is appealing decision to Divisional Court, and LIEN has requested Minister of Energy to issue a directive to the OEB to hold a generic hearing to consider and implement solutions, including low- income rate assistance
9 Lessons learned Early days for renewed focus on conservation – responsibility shifting, capacity building Strategic OEB interventions only Need political will to make things happen
10 Local advocacy Educating and gaining support of MPs, MPPs, municipal councils and LDCs about need for low-income CDM programs and low-income rate assistance Raising public awareness about energy poverty in the local community