Genetic Vocabulary Practice
What to do Open a blank page in Educreations or Notability I will show you a word or letter(s) You WRITE what it means, and add a PICTURE/EXAMPLE if you can.
For Example If I said “Cell” You could write something like “the smallest basic unit of life.” and You could draw a cell
Answer: Organelle (cell part) where DNA is stored Examples:
Answer: A single piece of coiled DNA A tight bundle of DNA Examples:
Answer: A molecule containing coded instructions for life Examples:
Answer: A section of DNA containing instructions Examples:
Answer: Any feature of a living thing determined by its genes Examples:
Answer: One of a number of different forms of a gene Examples:
Answer: Any capital letter An allele that covers up recessive alleles Examples: R T B H
Answer: Any lowercase letter An allele that gets covered up dominant alleles Examples: r t b h
Answer: Any genotype with two of the same alleles Examples: rr RR BB bb
Answer: Any genotype with two different alleles Examples: Bb Tt Hh Rr
Homozygous Dominant
Answer: Genotype with two dominant alleles (homo = same, dominant = big/strong) Examples: BB HH TT RR
Homozygous Recessive
Answer: Genotype with two recessive alleles (homo = same, dominant = little/weak) Examples: bb hh tt rr
Answer: The genes (letters) an organism has Examples: BB Bb bb TT Tt tt
Answer: The traits (looks) an organism has Examples: Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Hitchhiker’s Thumb Black Hair Curly Hair Dimples
Artificial Selection (aka Selective Breeding)
Answer: The modification of traits by choosing which organisms reproduce Examples:
Genetic Engineering
Answer: The modification of traits by “messing with” the organism’s DNA. Examples:
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering