HOW TO USE the Power Point in the Liturgical Celebration or in a private meditation, while the Gospel of St. John is read: Each subsection Slide with red background corresponds to the parts in which the missals divide the text (titles in italics). MUSIC: J. Homs Oller’s Way of the Cross
1- Jesus is arrested and chained
1 Gethsemane
I AM In John’s Gospel, You, Lord, go forward to the passion with DIGNITY. You are the “I AM” (of Exodus), which “has conquered the world”.
“Shouldn’t I drink the chalice the Father has given to me?” You drink the CHALICE because you LOVE us. Only a Love like yours can face pain
2- Jesus is carried to the house of Annas
1 2 Gethsemane House of Annas
I have spoken openly for all the WORLD You have come for the world to believe
... If I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me? “When you were mistreated, You humiliated yourself like a Lamb that is led to sacrifice” (Isaiah)
3- You are not one his disciples, are you?
1 2 3 Gethsemane House of Annas House of Caiaphas
Peter said: I do not know Him... You had to bear with the denial of your first collaborator, “to atone for our sins”...
... the cock crowed... You know how hard is for us to “maintain strong the Faith we profess”
4- My kingdom does not belong to this world
1 2 3 Gethsemane House of Annas House of Caiaphas 4 Praetorium of Pilate
You say: I am a King For this I came into the world... But You are a DIFFERENT kind of KING
I have come to give testimony of the Truth You are the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE… You are a TRUE hand that always sustains us
Hail, King of the Jews
Then Pilate had him scourged “GOD DID NOT EXEMPT HIS SON FROM SUFFERING...”
Behold, the MAN Man is not success, but “Love that believes it all, bears it all, LOVE that will never pass”…
Take him away, take him away, crucify him
Pilate sat down in Court, in the place called Lithostrotos Here the soldiers tortured you. You give strength to the ones that are going to follow you throughout the centuries... Lithostrotos that means “tile-setting”
5 – He was crucified with two others
1 2 3 Gethsemane House of Annas House of Caiaphas 4 Pretorio de Pilato 5 Painful Way
And carrying the cross himself he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull For the sufferings you learned to OBEY Painful Way
... there He was crucified UNLESS A GRAIN OF WHEAT DIES, IT CANNOT PRODUCE FRUIT Holy Sepulchre
6 - They divided His clothes
1 2 3 Gethsemane Casa de Anàs Casa de Caifàs 4 Pretorio de Pilat 5 Painful Way 6 Calvario
When he was alredy crucified... Every Good Friday, at the foot of Your Cross, we come before You to present You ALL the Human beings Redeemed... They all fit Calvary
The tunic was seamless FOR YOUR VESTURE THEY CAST LOTS… to help us to die naked
Behold, your son. Behold, your mother
Woman, behold, your son... In this new MATERNITY, neither the son was born by human will, but from God
Son, behold, your Mother.. You gave us the one that had ENGENDERED You, to help us to BE BORN AGAIN
Everything has been fulfilled
I thirst IF WE SHOULD KNOW WHO SAYS US: “GIVE ME WATER”... We would know that He is thirsting of US
He handed over the Spirit... DYING, You gave us the Spirit of Life. Flesh takes no advantage of anything
And immediately blood and water flowed out
A soldier thrust his lance into His side THE ONE THAT DRINKS MY BLOOD WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE
7- They bound the body of Jesus...
1 2 3 Gethsemane House of Annas House of Caiaphas 4 Praetorium of Pilate 5 Painful Way 6 Calvary 7 Tomb
Joseph of Arimatea, a disciple of Jesus, and Nicodemus, the one who had come to Him at night, came bringing myrrh and aloe to anoint Him Dying and living are two sides of the same reality: “Whoever loses His Life at your side, will FIND it”
There was a new tomb Sepulchre of J. of Arimatea...this is the EMPTY one that nobody has been able to fill