The Life of Jesus The Culmination of His Life
In This Portion of our Study The Passover meal His betrayal and arrest His trial Condemnation His crucifixion His burial & resurrection Appearances Ascension
Events leading to His Trial The decision to kill Jesus John 11:49-54, Matt. 26:3-5 Judas bribed – Matt. 26:14-16 Lord’s Supper instituted – Matt. 26:17-29 They went to Mt. of Olives – Matt. 26:30-35, John 17
Events leading to His Trial The Garden of Gethsemane Matt. 26:36-56 Judas betrays Jesus – Matt. 26:46-56 His disciples forsook him and He fled
The trial of Jesus A travesty of justice and illegal! The Jewish phase Matt. 26:57- 68, 27:1 – Annas, Caiaphas, the Council – blasphemy Peter denies Jesus 3 times Matt. 26:69-75 Judas “repents” Matt. 27:3-9
The trial of Jesus The Roman phase Before Pilate Matt. 27:11-14 Charges changed - insurrection Pilate sees Jesus as innocent Sent to Herod Lk. 23:8-12 Back to Pilate – Mt. 27:15-27
The trial of Jesus Back to Pilate Barabbas released - Matt. 27:15-16 Pilate washes his hand and then permits Jesus to be condemned Jesus is scourged and mocked – Mat. 27:26-31
Jesus crucified He is led away to be crucified Nailed to the cross by Roman soldiers Matt. 27:35 “They crucified Him”
Jesus crucified The agony of the cross Slow and painful, humiliating Nails driven through hands (wrists) Crossbeam raised and attached to stipe Feet nailed to front of stipe
Jesus crucified Causes of death Severity of beating – blood loss and shock Contamination and infection Suffocation (asphyxia)
Jesus crucified While on the cross: A sign placed above His head, “This is Jesus, King of the Jews” Garments divided Mocking by the crowd Darkness for 3 hours
Jesus crucified Sayings of Jesus Father, forgive them – Lk. 23:34 Today you will be with Me – Lk. 23:43 My God, why have you forsaken Me? Matt. 27:46 Woman, behold your son Jn. 19:27 I thirst – Jn. 19:28 It is finished – Jn. 19:30 Into your hands I commit My Spirit – Lk. 23:46
Jesus crucified Jesus dies on the cross The veil of the temple was torn in two Matt. 27:51 Earthquake Dead saints arose Matt. 27: “Truly this was the Son of God” Matt. 27:54
His resurrection That He was dead is certain. Soldiers verified it – Jn. 19: Joseph of Arimathea requests the body and buries Him Matt. 27:57-61 Soldiers set a guard (27:62-66)
His resurrection The grave could not conceal Him! “On the first day of the week” Matt. 28:1 Multiple appearances for forty days Jesus ascends to heaven.
What does He mean to you? Gal. 6:14 Heb. 12:1-2 2 Pet. 2:21-24
What effect has His death had in your life?