What’s Up Class?
How old are you?! One person at a time say hello and your age! “Hello, I am _____ years old!” Hello! I’m 5 years old!
Do you know the rules?? 1.Be respectful! (mouths closed, eyes open, ears listening) 2.Be on time and prepared! 3. No electronics! 4. Practice English everyday!
Do You Remember? What is this?
Do You Remember? Which picture is scared?
Do You Remember? What terrain is it?
English sound of the week! [ L ] -Like -Love
Appearance! 外形 ( The way something looks )
Curly Her hair is curly. His hair is curly.
Straight His hair is straight. Her hair is straight.
Curly or Straight?
Hair Color!
Black hair She has black hair. Her hair is black. He has black hair. His hair is black.
Brown hair His hair is brown. He has brown hair. Her hair is brown. She has brown hair.
Red hair She has red hair. Her hair is red. His hair is red. He has red hair.
Blonde hair He has blonde hair. His hair is blonde. Her hair is blonde. She has blond hair.
What color is his hair?
Brown eyes She has brown eyes. Her eyes are brown. He has brown eyes. His eyes are brown.
Blue eyes He has blue eyes. His eyes are blue. She has blue eyes. Her eyes are blue.
Green eyes Her eyes are green. She has green eyes. His eyes are green. He has green eyes.
What color are her eyes?
Tall He is tall!
Short She is short!
Overweight He is overweight.
Thin She is thin.
Average He is average (height). tall average short overweight average thin She is average (weight).
The line up! I will pick 5 students at random 随机. You will come to the front of the class. You will put yourselves In order from tallest to shortest!
Guess Who?? I will read about an appearance to the class. You will guess which celebrity 名人 I read! EXAMPLE!! Woman 1 Woman 2
Guess Who?? Liu Shishi Taylor Swift Vanessa Hudgens Ron weasely Adele Yao Ming
Great Job!
What do they look like? 2 students will work together. One student will describe someone, the other person will draw and then we will switch. I will ask some groups to volunteer to come to the front and show the class.
What do they look like? One student speaks then the other draws. Then switch places 开关的地方 Student 1: “The man has brown hair. His hair is straight. He is overweight. His eyes are brown.” Student 2: Draws
Review! 1.Curly - _________ ? 2.Overweight - ________ ? 3.Tall - _______ ?
Review! 1. Tall,_________, Short Overweight, _______, Thin ???
Review! What color is their hair?
Review! What color is their eyes?
Your points!
See you next week!