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Presentation transcript:


Transfer Lines view Linac – Booster Transfer Line Booster – Storage Ring Transfer Line

Linac-Booster TL Parameter Value Beam energy, MeV Normalized RMS beam emittance, mm·mrad50 Bunches in the train1 or from 40 bunches, 2 ns to 150 bunches, 2 ns, <80 bunches, 4 ns <50 bunches, 6 ns <40 bunches, 8 ns <30 bunches, 10 ns Bunch train rep rate, Hz10 Hz max Single bunch chargefrom 10 pC to 0.5 nC Multi-bunch charge<15 nC total Minimum energy spread, %0.5 Bunch length, ns~1 ns with microstructure at 3 GHz Total beam line length, m22.4

Linac-Booster TL magnetic elements ParameterValue Number3 with individual PS Length, m0.35 Angle, rad0.15 Field, T0.29 (0.39 max) ParameterValue Number12+1 spare; independent power supplies Focusing/Defocusing7/5 Length, m0.15 Quadrupole K1, m -2 <15 Quadrupole gradient, T/m11 (13.5 max) 6 X-Y correctors with 0.3 mrad angle Quadrupoles Dipoles

Linac-Booster TL vacuum elements

Linac-Booster TL diagnostics 6 Fluorescent Screens Integrating Current Transformer 3 Four-Button Pick-ups with Libera BPM receivers Measured parameters ValueAccuracy Charge15 nC 0.2% Fill pattern Energy<270 MeV 0.5% Energy spread<0.5% RMS 0.05% Beam positions 0.1 mm Beam sizes~2 mm 0.1 mm Norm. emittances~50 mm·mrad 5% Continuously monitored beam parameters: Charge Energy Beam positions Bunch train pattern

Linac-Booster TL power supplies Type of magnets Voltage, V Current, A Pcs LB TL Dipole LB TL Quadrupole LB TL corrector 12

Booster-Storage Ring TL Parameter Value Beam energy, GeV3 Normalized RMS beam emittance, nm·mrad, X/Y30/3 Bunches in the train1 or from 40 bunches, 2 ns to 150 bunches, 2 ns, <80 bunches, 4 ns <50 bunches, 6 ns <40 bunches, 8 ns <30 bunches, 10 ns Bunch train rep rate, Hz1 Hz max Single bunch chargefrom 10 pC to 0.5 nC Multi-bunch charge<10 nC total Minimum energy spread, %0.1 Bunch length, ps~15 Total beam line length, m43.519

Booster-SR TL magnetic elements ParameterValue Number4 with individual PS Length, m1.2 Angle, rad0.12 Field, T1 (1.05 max) ParameterValue Number 14+1 spare; 15 independent power supplies Focusing/Defocusing7/7 Length, m0.3 Quadrupole K1, m max Quadrupole gradient, T/m22 max 6 X and 6 Y correctors with 0.3 mrad angle Quadrupoles Dipoles

Booster-SR TL power supplies Type of magnets Voltage, V Current, A Pcs BS TL Dipole BS TL Quadrupole BS TL corrector 12

Booster-SR TL diagnostics 6 Fluorescent Screens Integrating Current Transformer 6 Four-Button Pick-ups with Libera BPM receivers Measured parameters ValueAccuracy Charge10 nC 0.2% Fill pattern Energy3 GeV 0.5% Energy spread<0.1% RMS 0.05% Beam positions 0.1 mm Beam sizes< 1 mm 0.02 mm Norm. emittances~30 mm·mrad 5% Continuously monitored beam parameters: Charge Energy Beam positions Bunch train pattern

Turn-key TrLines TrLines Project with: Required parameters of the electron beam Requirements on the vacuum system, magnetic system, control system, diagnostics and etc. including preferable equipments and protocols. Engineering utilities (external water, electrical, air, gas systems with interfaces inside the building) BNL supplies:

Turn-key TrLines Electron beam - in accordance with the TrLines Project Parameters of the TrLines systems (vacuum system, magnetic system, control system, diagnostics and etc. with corresponding power supply systems, spare parts and etc.). Assembly of the TrLines elements and systems including internal water, electrical, air and gas nets Testing of the TrLines systems Commissioning of the TrLines Documentation (drawings, user manuals, quality records of manufactured elements, testing protocols.) Vendor (BINP) - Responsible for the TrLines: Vendor right - getting Subcontractors to take part in manufacture, assembly and other works

Turn-key TrLines 6 months (ARO) – Design of TrLines 16 months (ARO) - Fabrication of TrLines elements and systems 19 months (ARO) – Delivery of TrLines systems 21 months (ARO) - Assembly and alignment of the TrLines at BNL site 23 months (ARO) - Testing of the TrLines systems at BNL site 24 months (ARO) - Final testing and commission of the TrLines Preliminary Schedule