Highlighting VS Annotating
What information did you choose to highlight? Highlight no more than 10 main or important ideas clearly stated in the article. What information did you choose to highlight? Was selecting 10 or fewer ideas difficult or easy?
Select 3 of the main or important ideas you highlighted as being the MOST important ideas. Number the ideas from most to least important (#1-#3) Write a 2-3 short comments explaining why your selected ideas are or should be important to high school students.
Informational Texts Analyzing Content Drawing Conclusions Making Judgments Depicting Ideas
You will be reading and analyzing internet articles. Your thoughts and conclusions about the articles will be used to create an informational poster. Neatness, accuracy, and creativity are expected for this activity.
Main Idea (Claim, Thesis, Statement) Quintessential Careers: What Do Employers Really Want? Top Skills and Values Employers Seek from Job-Seekers by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., and Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. Every employer is looking for a specific set of skills from job-seekers that match the skills necessary to perform a particular job. But beyond these job-specific technical skills, certain skills are nearly universally sought by employers. The good news is that most job- seekers possess these skills to some extent. The better news is that job-seekers with weaknesses in these areas can improve their skills through training, professional development, or obtaining coaching/mentoring from someone who understands these skills. Ideas and Details There are specific skills for every career/job There are universal skills that employers want from you no matter which job or career you are seeking Most of us have these skills but some are better at them than others These skills can be improved in many ways, especially from a person who knows them well Main Idea (Claim, Thesis, Statement) *Everyone should develop these skills to have a better future and a more satisfying career Analyzing Content Drawing Conclusions
Main Idea (Claim, Thesis, Statement) Ideas and Details Recently college graduates have experienced difficulties finding a job While it is not scientific this information does come from hundreds of conversations with the people that hire graduates for their company or business Main Idea (Claim, Thesis, Statement) *Everyone should develop these skills to improve their chances of finding a job in today’s job market Analyzing Content Drawing Conclusions
Carefully read each article. Take notes, annotate, and record important information and major claims as you read. Create and complete a topic, main idea, and supporting details organizer. Share your thoughts with a small group. Review your paper for accuracy and completion. Determine which details from the texts are most important to you as a student.
Select ONE job or life skill discussed in your article as the basis of your poster. Use your notes and annotations to explain why your chosen skill is important for high school students. Include the things students can do to either gain this skill or practice it during their high school experience. Complete a design of your poster using words, images, and layout to convey your ideas clearly. Review your paper for accuracy and completion.
What do the images below represent? Make a list of different images you could use to illustrate your selected text details. Be sure to select clear images so other students would understand your ideas and thoughts about the texts. What do the images below represent?
Design a poster using the images you selected, quotes from the texts, and your conclusions about the information to inform other students about the things they should focus on as high school students. The design for the poster is to be finished for homework and ready to use FRIDAY for our first technology project.
Layout & Composition Samples