CSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing Presented at the 3 rd International Digital Fabrication Symposium Johan le Roux (CSIR MSM) 29 June 2006
Slide 2 © CSIR The CSIR Mandate “The objects of the CSIR are, through directed and particularly multidisciplinary research and technological innovation, to foster, in the national interest and in fields which in its opinion should receive preference, industrial and scientific development, either by itself or in co-operation with principals from the private or public sectors, and thereby to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of the Republic, and to perform any other functions that may be assigned to the CSIR by or under this Act.” (Scientific Research Council Act 46 of 1988, amended by Act 71 of 1990)
Slide 3 © CSIR CSIR Mandate (continued) To achieve its mandate, the Act makes provision for the CSIR to: undertake research in connection with - the better utilisation of the resources of South Africa, and the improvement of the productive capacity of its population; the improvement of technical processes and methods to improve industrial production, and the promotion and the expansion of existing, and the establishment of new industries; standardisation in industry and commerce; utilise the technological expertise in its possession or make it available to any person;
Slide 4 © CSIR CSIR Mandate (continued) foster the training of its human resources; publish information concerning its objects and functions, and establish facilities for the collection and dissemination of information in connection with research; establish and control facilities in those fields of research which the Board may from time to time approve; cooperate with government departments, societies, institutions and other persons that are nationally or internationally involved in research.
Slide 5 © CSIR Focus of the CSIR into the future Building and transforming human capital Strengthening the science and technology base Performing relevant knowledge- generating research and transferring technology and skilled human capital Contributing to national programme of development and fulfilling mandate
Slide 6 © CSIR CSIR operating units Defence, Peace, Safety and Security Built Environment Biosciences Materials Science and Manufacturing Natural Resources and the Environment
Slide 7 © CSIR CSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing Competence areas Metals and metals processes Polymers, ceramics and composites Fibres and textiles Manufacturing science and technology Energy and processes Sensor science and technology Core focus: Conducts world-class, directed research and technological innovation in fields of materials and manufacturing to contribute to socio-economic and environmental improvement of South African industries
Slide 8 © CSIR CSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing (continued) Emerging science initiatives and industry themes: Nanomaterials and nanostructures Aerospace initiatives Metals initiatives Hosts number of agency-type functions on behalf of government and in support of industry: National Technology Transfer Centre, National Cleaner Production Centre, Aerospace Industry Support Initiative, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy (AMTS),
CSIR Materials Science & Manufacturing (MSM) SET Leadership & Competence Management Strategic Contract R&D Management Strategic Relationship Management R&D Outcomes Management Aerospace Metals Initiatives Nanomaterials & nanostructures Emerging Science Initiatives & Industry Themes Agencies National Cleaner Production Centre NCPC Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy AMTS Polymers, Ceramics & Composites Smart Materials for Drug Delivery & Tissue Engineering Advanced Industrial Polymers & Composites Fibres & Textiles (NFTCC) Nonwoven Fibre Processing Clothing Technology Fibre Modification Manufacturing Science & Technology Digital & Micro Manufacturing Automation & Control / Adv Robotics Energy & Processes Fuel Cells Renewables Industrial Processes Incl. Clean Coal Metals & Metals Processes Fundamental Properties & Modelling Primary Processes Alloying & Processing Engineering Design & Analysis Methods Sensor Science & Technology Smart Structures Electro –optic Sensing and Imaging Sonar Sensor Manufacturing
Manufacturing Science and Technology
Slide 11 © CSIR Technology Focus Areas in close collaboration with the AMTS Advanced Robotics and Automation Industrial Robotics and Parallel Manipulators Autonomous Systems Automation Digital/ Micro Manufacturing Hosting of R+D FabLab at Innovation Hub National Roll-out of Fablabs Collaborative Research for FabLabs Digital/Micro Manufacturing Strategy for South Africa
Slide 12 © CSIR National FabLab Roll-Out AMTS Funded (DST) Directly funded by DST AMTS Funded (DST) (R+D FabLab)
Slide 13 © CSIR Collaborative Projects for Fablabs Digital House.Fab Thinner Client Internet 0 Mini- Turbine
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