Learn, Perform & Succeed…While Facing Challenges in the 21st Century Dr. James Simpson Dean and Distinguished Professor College of Business Administration University of Alabama in Huntsville
Technical BRAC Opportunities (41%) Total Jobs With BRAC (Projected Openings) Logistics Acquisition Other ,648 Jobs (43 %) (67 %) (54%) (52%) Program Mgmt/ Resource Mgmt Leverage Advanced Degree - MBA - MS Professional Certif. - Acquisition - Technical IT Applications
Response to BRAC PULL-PUSH APPLIED RESEARCH Freight, Transportation, & Logistics Supply Chain Management LEAN and Six-Sigma IT/SAP Integration Workforce Developement Strategic Management Services UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM GRADUATE PROGRAM CENTER FOR INTEGRATED ENTERPRISE STUDIES (Design of Future Supply Chain and Acquisition Systems) PARTNERSHIPS DAUALMC NPSMIT UAMSU TECHNICAL SUPPORT Current High School and Community College Students UAHuntsville and Non-UAHuntsville College Students Existing Entry Level Workforce Existing Experienced Work Force