The Georgia Executive Branch Ches Lapeza
Executive Branch This branch’s primary purpose is to enforce laws and govern the state. This branch has eight main elected officials: the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the State School Superintendent, and the Commissioners for Agriculture, Insurance, and Labor.
Requirements for Governor In order to run for governor, you must: Be thirty years old Have been a US citizen for fifteen years Have been a Georgia resident for six years prior to the election.
Formal Duties of the Governor The powers of the governor granted by the state Constitution are: Being the Chief Executive, Chief law enforcement officer, and the commander-in-chief of state military. The power to veto bills Fill vacancies in either legislative house and appoint officials to fill vacancies in any area. Give an annual State of the State address Call the legislators to session, as well as propose their own bills to become laws
Informal Duties and Powers of the Governor Governorship is a full-time job Direct and develop the state budget Influence most every other aspect of government Four-year terms just limited to two consecutive. One may run for a third term after sitting four years out.
Lieutenant Governor Same qualifications as for governor, but with unlimited, four-year terms Elected separately to the governor Will become governor if the previous one is unable to do their job President of Senate Generally works with governor, although they may be of different parties
Attorney General Must be U.S. citizen for ten years, Georgia resident for the four previous years, 25 years of age, and have served actively on the State Bar of Georgia for 7 years Unlimited amount of four-year terms Represents the state or its authorities in most any court case Provide legal advice and opinions to the executive branch Conducting investigations into state, department, authority, and agency affairs Essentially the state's lawyer
Secretary of State Elected official who keeps public records with a four year term Must be 25 yrs old, 10 yrs US citizen, and 4 yrs GA resident Keeps the Great Seal of Georgia, custodian to the State Flag and other state icons Supervises and monitors elections, provides campaign finance disclosure and education programs near the state capitol Deals with the licensing, monitoring, and registration of professionals and businesses Works with various informational and economic agencies
State School Superintendent Elected official with four year term Must be 25 years old, 10 yrs US citizen, and 4 yrs GA resident Chief Executive Officer of the state Department of Education Head of the other twelve members of the board This board has five offices: Curriculum and Instruction Finance and Business Operations Instructional Technology and Media Policy and External Affairs Teacher and Student Support
Agriculture Commissioner Elected Official with a four-year term Same reqs as the State School Superintendent Head of Department of Agriculture Responsible to enforce all laws related to the Department Works with governor and General Assembly to develop policy related to food production, consumer safety, and livestock
Insurance Commissioner Elected Official with same term and reqs as Ag. Com. Head of Insurance Department
Labor Commissioner Elected with same term and requirements as the other commissioners Head of the Department of Labor
Works Cited Allen, Lee M. "Executive Branch: Overview." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 01 October Web. 11 April Buchanan, Scott E. "Governor." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 07 January Web. 11 April Buchanan, Scott E. "Lieutenant Governor." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 05 August Web. 14 April Hardy, Paul T. "Attorney General." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 20 August Web. 14 April Huff, Christopher A. "Georgia Department of Education." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 24 February Web. 15 April 2014
Works Cited Grant, Chris. "Georgia Department of Agriculture." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 27 August Web. 15 April Georgia State Superintendent of Schools. (2014, March 26). - Ballotpedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from Georgia Secretary of State. (2014, March 26). - Ballotpedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture. (2014, March 26). - Ballotpedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner. (2014, March 26). - Ballotpedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from Georgia Commissioner of Labor. (2014, March 26). - Ballotpedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from